Printer Friendly Version Campaign for the protection of property rights of Serbs in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Septemeber 9th, 2021. @ 23 September 2021 08:52 PM

In the Federation of BiH, the harmonization of data on real estate catastre and land registers is underway, the so-called data harmonization. During this process, members of the Serbian corpus may lose the right to property, which is in their ownership or possession.

An obstacle to the registration of property and other property rights in the Federation of BiH is the fact that invitations to property rights holders are not sent in person, and in many cases the state, entity, canton, municipality or person who uses Serbian property without authorization is registered as the owner.

Having in mind the above, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia has joined the activities in informing members of the Serb people originating from the Federation of BiH who are in the diaspora, to contact the Office for Professional Legal Assistance of the Republika Srpska on the following contacts:

Phone: +387 554 90 940
Viber WhatsApp: +38765 090 040
Facebook and Instagram> @kancelarijazapravnupomoc

Contacts of the Committee for the Protection of the Rights of Serbs in the Federation of BiH:

Facebook: @srbiufederacijibih
Twitter; @OdborF