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20.000.000 dinars were allocated for the establishment of new schools and classes of supplementary classes in the diaspora @ 24 September 2021 06:59 PM
Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Administration for Cooperation with Diaspora and Serbs in the region has decided on co-financing projects that contribute with their quality to preserve and strengthening the bonds of the home state and the diaspora. At the competition that was announced from July 22. to August 06., 2021. for co-financing of projects in the field of classes - Support for the establishment of new schools and classes of supplementary teaching of Serbian language in the diaspora, ten proposals of the Serbian associations, organizations and Eparchy have arrived Serbian Orthodox Church from Austria, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Russian Federation, South African Republic and Spain.
Funds in total amount of 20.000.000 dinars intended for syfinancing projects that contribute with their quality to preserve and strengthen the bonds of the home state and the diaspora aimed at: preserving and nurturing Serbian cultural, ethnic, language and religious identity, which can be listed as the area - support for the establishment of new schools and classes of supplementary teaching of Serbian language in the diaspora are allocated for:
SPKD Education Austria, Serbian language school education, 4.250.000 dinars,
Serbian educational and cultural center Saint Jelena Anjouska Malta, Serbian language school in Malta 4.800.000 dinars,
Eparchy of the Western European SPCrque - Servisch Orthodoxe Kerk in Nederland, Creative workshops in Serbian language for children 2.000.000 dinars,
NPO Center for International Cooperation ′′ Russian-Balkan Dialogue ", Supplementary school of Serbian language in Moscow and Saint Petersburg 5.250.000 dinars,
Eparchy of the Western European SPC - Iglesia ortodoxa serbia Parroquias espa ñolas, Creative workshops in Serbian for children in Spain and Portugal 3.700.000 dinars.
Director of the Administration for Cooperation with Diaspora and Serbs in the region, Arno Guillon, will on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Administration for cooperation with the Serbs in the region, sign contracts for co-financing with selected users, in which mutual rights and obligations will be arranged in order Realization of approved projects from this decision.