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Visit Serbia



Ambassador's Office:



Consular Section


Working hours for in person visits:
Monday - Friday:  10:00 - 14:00)

Making an appointment is mandatory 


21 Blackburn Avenue
Ottawa, ON, K1N 8A2

+1 (613) 233-6289, 233-6280

 +1 (613) 233-7850


Honorary Consuls


Abolished the need for legalization of documents for use in the Republic of Serbia
Starting from January 11, 2024, the Hague Convention on the abolition of the need for legalization of foreign public documents began to be applied in Canada.
Legalization meant that a document issued or notarized in Canada must first be certified by Global Affairs of Canada, and then certified by the Embassy in Ottawa, in order to be recognized for use in the Republic of Serbia.
With the entry into force of the Hague Convention, it is no longer necessary to notarize a document at the Embassy in Ottawa, but it is sufficient for a document issued in Canada or certified by a Canadian notary, to be certified with an APOSTILLE.
You can find more information on how to certify documents here.

State Secretary Jović is visiting Canada
State Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Damjan Jović, is on a working visit to Canada, during which he met with senior officials of the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as representatives of both houses of the Canadian Federal Parliament.
During the visit, Jovic spoke with Canadian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Sandra McCardell, then Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Rob Oliphant, as well as Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs in the Senate Peter Behm and Vice Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs in the House of Representatives Stephane Bergeron.
State Secretary Jović discussed with the interlocutors the need to intensify political dialogue between the two countries, strengthen economic cooperation and connect in the field of information technology and artificial intelligence.
Also, Jović introduced the interlocutors to the excellent results of the Serbian economy and invited Canadian companies to invest in Serbia.
When it comes to the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, at the meetings held, the state secretary pointed out the extremely difficult situation in which the Serbian people are in our southern province, as well as the challenges in the dialogue process between Belgrade and Pristina.
In all discussions, the importance of respecting international law and the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the UN member states was emphasized, as well as the necessity of achieving peace and stability in crisis hotspots in the world, including Ukraine and the Middle East.
In addition to the above, Jović emphasized the importance of Serbia's European integration and the necessity of cooperation in the region.
During his stay in Canada, State Secretary Damjan Jović also attended the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the church-school municipality in Montreal, where the main guest was His Eminence, the Serbian patriarch Mr. Porfirije.

Ottawa: Statehood Day of the Republic of Serbia was solemnly celebrated

The Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Ottawa, in the prestigious Fairmont Chateau Laurier Hotel, organized a reception on the occasion of the Statehood Day.

In the welcoming speeches of the Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia, Dejan Ralević, and the Assistant Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada, Alexandre Lévêque, messages about traditionally good and stable bilateral relations, as well as emphasizing the importance of economic cooperation between the two countries, dominated.

Both speakers emphasized the importance of the Serbian community in Canada in the process of building bridges between countries.

The choir of St. Stephen's Church from Ottawa, the youth of the folklore society "Legende" from Ottawa and the well-known musical group "Swing Fewer", which has an international composition, including a Serbian musician, took part in the program.

The reception was attended by members of the Lower House of Parliament, the Senate, representatives of the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and members of diplomatic corps. Among the guests were all three honorary consuls in Canada (Montreal, Calgary, Vancouver), as well as representatives of the Serbian community and the Serbian Orthodox Church.

Traditionally, the famous Niagara Falls were illuminated in the colors of the Serbian tricolor in honor of the National Day, and the national flag of Serbia was raised on the flagpole in front of the city hall in Ottawa.

Speech delivered by ambassador Dejan Ralevic at the reception on the occasion of celebrating the Statehood Day of the Republic of Serbia:

"Distinguished members of the House of Commons and senators, Assistant Deputy Minister Lévêque, your Excellences, representatives of Canadian government, members of the diplomatic corps, ladies and gentlemen and fellow citizens, good evening and welcome.

Permettez-moi d’abord de souligner que nous sommes réunis aujourd’hui sur le territoire non cédé du peuple algonquin anishinabe.

On this auspicious day, we gather to commemorate and celebrate the rich history, culture, and spirit of Serbia. Today marks our Serbian National Day, a momentous occasion that resonates with pride and reflection.

As we reflect on our journey as a nation, we are reminded of the resilience and strength ingrained within the fabric of our society. Throughout centuries of challenges, triumphs, disappointments and transformations, Serbia has remained steadfast in its pursuit of freedom, justice, and prosperity.

Today Serbia commemorates two important events. First, the beginning of the Serbian Revolution in 1804 and the First Serbian Uprising mark a significant event in Serbian history that eventually led to the establishment of modern Serbia as an independent state, and the second, creation of the First Serbian Constitution, known as the Sretenje Constitution, which was adopted on February 15, 1835.

Ces deux dates ont de grande importance pour la renaissance du peuple serbe et de son pays. La première représente la lutte pour la liberté, tandis que la seconde a confirmé que la liberté était limitée par celle des autres. C'est pourquoi la Constitution qui a été adoptée, stipulait qu'il ne devait plus y avoir d'esclaves et que tout esclave, qui foulait le sol serbe, devenait libre. Cette Constitution était la plus libérale d'Europe et aboutit à une réforme agraire dont peu d'États de l'époque pouvaient être fiers.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Allow me to reflect now on Canadian–Serbian Relations. Although Canada and Serbia have been allies in two World Wars, with 82 years long tradition of diplomatic relations, sometimes we use our diplomatic skills to navigate through challenges and stormy waters. Our diplomatic relations evolved because they are built on mutual respect, cooperation, and shared values. It is not uncommon among friends to have different perspectives about the world around us, but despite that, we continue to recognize the significance of the bond that exists between our two nations.

L'un des domaines de coopération devrait être la Francophonie, car la Serbie est très déterminée à contribuer au travail de l'organisation et à son avenir. Le Canada et ses provinces francophones sont nos alliés.

Nos deux pays ont convenu de diverger des positions sur la question la plus sensible – l’intégrité territoriale et souveraineté de mon pays, mais on essaie de trouver les canaux de communication qui devrait aider le dialogue entre Belgrade et Pristina à aboutir à une solution acceptable. On espère que le Canada reconnait la complexité de cette question.

For more than a century Serbian community in Canada has represented the vital pillar of Serbian-Canadian relations. Serbian immigration to Canada dates back to the late 19th century, with notable waves of immigration occurring in the early 20th century and after World War II. Many Serbs initially settled in urban centers such as Montreal, Toronto, Hamilton and Windsor, as well as in the endless plains of Saskatchewan and Alberta. Yes, those humble Serbian peasants left their homeland in search of a brighter future in the vast Canadian prairies. That’s why the first Serbian Orthodox church was built in Regina in 1912. The Serbian community in Canada is characterized by its resilience, diversity, and contributions to the multicultural mosaic of Canadian society. Serbian Canadians continue to enrich Canada's social fabric while preserving their rich cultural heritage and identity.

La coopération commerciale et économique constitue un élément important de nos relations bilatérales. Afin de ne pas vous endormir, je ne vais pas aller avec les chiffres, mais les données statistiques montrent une activité nettement accrue dans la coopération commerciale extérieure entre la Serbie et le Canada, en particulier du côté des exportations (minerais et concentrés de cuivre). La Serbie et le Canada reconnaissent le potentiel d’une augmentation du commerce, des investissements et des partenariats commerciaux. En explorant les voies d’une coopération économique renforcée, nous ouvrons la voie à une croissance et une prospérité partagées pour nos citoyens. Nous sommes très heureux que les secteurs canadien et serbe aient commencé à coopérer plus vigoureusement. Plus encore, certaines entreprises serbes de l’informatique, comme Quantox Technology, ont donné l’exemple depuis qu’elle a commencé à faire des affaires au Canada en ouvrant une succursale locale à Ottawa. Les efforts visant à renforcer les partenariats bilatéraux en matière de commerce, d’investissement et d’affaires se poursuivent, même s’il reste encore des possibilités d’expansion et de collaboration dans divers secteurs.

I need to underline that Belgrade, capital of Serbia, will host 2027 Special EXPO, and the opportunities for closer and broader cooperation are in front of us – I use this occasion to invite Canadian and your companies to take part to this great event in a couple of years.

Yet, as we celebrate our achievements, we must also acknowledge the challenges that lie ahead. In an increasingly interconnected world, we must embrace diversity, tolerance, and inclusivity as the cornerstones of our collective strength. It is through dialogue, understanding, and cooperation that we can forge a brighter future for generations to come. We continue to strive towards membership in the EU, as our most important strategic goal. Regional stability and reconciliation remain our paramount goals, despite sporadic challenges and tensions.

As we honor our heritage and traditions, let us also look to the horizon with hope and optimism. On this Serbian Statehood Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to nurturing the strong bonds of friendship and cooperation between Serbia and Canada. Let us seize the opportunities that lie ahead to deepen our partnership, expand our cooperation, and address the global challenges that confront us. In closing, let us celebrate the enduring spirit of diplomacy that unites our two nations. May the friendship between Serbia and Canada continue to thrive and flourish for generations to come.

Long live Serbia, long live Canada!

Thank you, Merci, Hvala."


Competition for co-financing projects for the region and the diaspora in 2024

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Directorate for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region, from February 1 to February 12, 2024, is announcing a COMPETITION for the co-financing of projects whose quality contributes to the preservation and strengthening of ties between the home country and the diaspora, as well as between the home country and the Serbs in the region.



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