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Status Issues

Through the Embassy of Serbia, the following registrations can be made:

The following registrations can be made exclusively in the Republic of Serbia:


In order to register the birth of a child born in Canada, into the Register of Births and the Register of Citizens of the Republic of Serbia, it is necessary to provide the following documents:

  1. Completed request form (PrijavaRodjenjaDeteta.doc) in Cyrillic for registry into the Register of Births of the Republic of Serbia signed by а parent who is a citizen of R. Serbia. Signatures must be notarized by the Notary Public if the request is not submitted in person. See the note about child's personal name under this list.
  2. Completed request form (DrzavljanstvoUpis-clan 9 i 10.doc) in Cyrillic, to register into the Register of Citizens of the Republic of Serbia. The signature must be notarized by Notary Public if the request is not submitted in person. See the note about child's personal name under this list
  3. Original Canadian birth certificate (Statement of Live Birth), translated into Serbian in Cyrillic. Original extracts from registers, in order to be recognized in R. In Serbia, they must be certified with an apostille stamp. Certification with an APOSTILLE stamp is done at Global Affairs of Canada or at provincial offices for legalization of documents. You can find a list of authorized offices for apostille attestation here.
  4. Photocopies of valid biometric passports of the Republic of Serbia for both parents (if one parent is a foreign citizen submit a copy of a foreign passport). If the parents do not possess valid biometric passports of the Republic of Serbia, it is necessary to submit a photocopy of proof of citizenship of the Republic of Serbia for both parents.
  5. Serbian Marriage Certificate. If the marriage is not registered in Serbia, it is mandatory to register it at this Embassy (see the part below - Marriage Registration). 
  6. A child between 14 and 18 years of age must sign a statement (SaglasnostDeteta.doc) in front of the Notary Public that he/she is in agreement with the request submitted by the parents;
  7. The consular fee of 30 CAD (ways to pay).
  8. Return envelope (shipping by mail service)
  9. Contact information (cell phone number, e-mail address)


  • Forms must be filled out in Serbian Cyrillic. If the child's name is in English/French language and there is a difference in spelling in English/French and Serbian language (in Serbian we write the way it is pronounced), it is necessary to state the name of a child in Serbian Cyrillic and its English/French name after that in parenthesis. For example: Ејми Џонсон (Amy Johnson)
  • Canadian Birth Certificate (Long form - Statement of Live Birth) has to be translated into Serbian language with the full name of child in Serbian Cyrillic the way it is pronounced.
  • In accordance with the new Law on Administrative Procedure, one of the parents may sign a statement that the competent authority in the Republic of Serbia may officially obtain the data necessary for the decision-making process (ZUP.Obrazac.МК.doc). If the declaration is not signed at the Embassy, the same must be signed before a notary. In the case that the statement is submitted along with the request then it is not necessary to submit a copy of the citizenship of the Republic of Serbia for the parents.
  • Original documents will be sent to the Registrar in the Republic of Serbia and will not be returned to the applicant.


In order for the marriage officiated in Canada to be registered in Vital Records of Serbia, it is necessary to provide the following documents:

  1. Completed request form (PrijavaBraka.doc) for the registration of marriage signed by both spouses. Signatures must be notarized by the Notary Public, if the request is not submitted in person
  2. The statement about the new last name for spouses (IzjavaOPrezimenu.doc). Signatures must be notarized by the Notary Public if the request is not submitted in person (this form must accompany your application even if the last names are remaining the same)
  3. Original Canadian Marriage Certificate translated into Serbian Cyrillic. Original extracts from registers, in order to be recognized in R. In Serbia, they must be certified with an apostille stamp. Certification with an APOSTILLE stamp is done at Global Affairs of Canada or at provincial offices for legalization of documents. You can find a list of authorized offices for apostille attestation here.
  4. Photocopies of valid biometric passport or ID card of the Republic of Serbia for both spouses (if one spouse is a foreign citizen attach a photocopy of a foreign passport 
  5. The consular fee of 37 CAD (ways to pay).
  6. One return self-addressed prepaid envelope (shipping by mail service)
  7. Contact information (cell phone number, e-mail address)


  • If this is not the spouses’ first marriage, it is necessary to submit birth certificates from Serbia wherein the "notes" entry is made that the previous marriage has been divorced. This is not necessary if, in accordance with the new Law on Administrative Procedure, a statement is submitted to the competent authority in the Republic of Serbia to officially obtain the data necessary for the decision-making process (ZUP.Obrazac.МК.doc). If the statement is not signed at the Embassy, it is necessary to have the same signed before a notary
  • Marriage Certificate in English must have a translation into the Serbian language 
  • Original documents will be sent to the Registrar of Vital Records in the Republic of Serbia and will not be returned to the applicant.


If a Serbian citizen dies in Canada, it is necessary to register the occurrence of death in Vital Records of Serbia. In order to do that, you should provide the following documents:

  1. Completed request form (PrijavaSmrti.doc) for the registration of death. The signature of the person that is submitting the application must be notarized by the Notary Public if the request is not submitted in person
  2. Original Canadian Death Certificate, translated into Serbian in Cyrillic. Original extracts from registers, in order to be recognized in R. In Serbia, they must be certified with an apostille stamp. Certification with an APOSTILLE stamp is done at Global Affairs of Canada or at provincial offices for legalization of documents. You can find a list of authorized offices for apostille attestation here.We cannot accept a Death Certificate issued by a funeral home or medical facility, only one issued by the relevant Provincial Office of Vital Statistics.
  3. Valid passport or identification document of the Republic of Serbia of the deceased. (If the decedent had no valid passport or identification document of the Republic of Serbia, it is necessary to submit any old document with the proof of the decedent’s last residence in Serbia)
  4. The consular fee of 33 CAD (ways to pay).
  5. One return self-addressed prepaid envelope (shipping by mail service)
  6. Constact information (cell phone number, e-mail address)


  • Canadian Death Certificate must have a translation into the Serbian language
  • Original documents will be sent to the Registrar of Vital Records in the Republic of Serbia and will not be returned to the client.
  • In case you need to transport the deceased back to Serbia for burial, you need to apply for a Covering Letter called Sprovodnica. Details on how to obtain this document, please use this link


The application for issuance of a Certificate of Birth, Marriage or Death, or Certificate of Serbian Cirizenship, could be processed by this Embassy if you are applying for yourself or for a close member of family (children, parents)

Application Forms:

Birth Certificate on Serbian Cyrillic form IMKR.doc 65 CAD
Birth Certificate on International form IMKRm.doc 69 CAD
Marriage Certificate on Serbian Cyrillic form IMKV.doc 65 CAD
Marriage Certificate on International form IMKVm.doc 69 CAD
Death Certificate on Serbian Cyrillic form IMKU.doc 65 CAD
Death Certificate on International form IMKUm.doc 69 CAD
Certificate of Serbian Citizenship UD.doc 70 CAD

You need to send us the following:

  • fully completed application form, signed
  • photocopy of your Serbian ID (passport or Lična Karta, previous Birth, Marriage, Death Certificate, religious Birth or Marriage Certificate, issued by Serbian or Yugoslavian authorities) for the person you are applying for
  • photocopy of your Serbian Passport or Lična Karta or Canadian Passport
  • consular tax (ways to pay)
  • One return self-addressed prepaid envelope (shipping by mail service)

If you are applying by e-mail, all documents should be scanned on scanner in natural size. Photos made by cell phone camera will not be accepted.

This Embassy has an access to the database of Serbian Office of Vital Statistics and if your data is already there, we may issue your certificate right away. But, in case your records could not be found, your request will be forwarded to the Office of Vital Statistics in Serbia and the procedure might take two months to complete.

For your information, here is the list of Vital Statistics Offices for customers born at Kosovo and Metohija



The most common changes in personal name arise during the marriage and the acquisition of a spouse's surname. If marriage is concluded in Canada, it is necessary to make a marriage application for registration in the registries of marriage in Serbia. Details about marriage registration can be found on this page above.

Also, Serbian citizens who in the past emigrated to Canada often changed their personal name when they obtained Canadian citizenship. For the sake of illustration, we give an example that a person named Jovan Petrovic changed his personal name to John Petrovich. In such case, the Embassy advises that the personal name in Serbia should be aligned with the personal name used in Canada, which means that in both countries this citizen would be using the identical personal name. It is very important that the documents of both countries have the same personal name which makes it easier to travel as well as conduct all other legal businesses in both Serbia and Canada.

Here is the following example: if a Serbian citizen changed his personal name in Canada and did not do the same in Serbia, and then wants to apply for a passport of Serbia, it will be necessary that his personal name on the Canadian Identification Document (Canadian passport) matches exactly the name entered in the registers in Serbia. If the names do not match, prior to submitting a passport application, it is necessary to submit a request for a change of personal name in Serbia and in this way reconcile the personal name in Serbia with a personal name in Canada. Of course, it is possible to do this the other way around - change your personal name in Canada back to the personal name already entered in the registries in Serbia.

According to the Family Law of Serbia, the personal name consists of the first and last name. There is no middle name such as in Canada. If a person has a middle name in Canada, for the registration in the registry books in Serbia that name is usually added to the first name (not to the last name).

The request for a change of personal name in Serbia should be submitted to the Office of Registrar of Vital Records according to the municipality in which the applicant resides in Serbia. The municipal administration that accepts the request for a change of personal name is obliged to inform the competent registrar about this in order to register the change of the personal name into the register of births and marriages and the authority that keeps records on the residence of citizens.


If the marriage was divorced in Canada, it is necessary to start a procedure in Serbia for the recognition of a foreign court judgment on divorce at the basic municipal court in the Republic of Serbia, according to the place of last residence. The Canadian judgment on divorce should be certified with an apostille stamp and translated into Serbian by an authorized court interpreter in the Republic of Serbia. Certification with an APOSTILLE stamp is done at Global Affairs of Canada or at provincial offices for legalization of documents. You can find a list of authorized offices for apostille attestation here.

Decision of the authorized municipal court from the Republic of Serbia on the recognition of foreign court’s ruling about the dissolution of marriage, must be submitted to the relevant Office of Vital Records in Serbia in order for it to be recorded into evidence.

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