| |     ћирилица | latinica  
The Ministry of Health opened a special Office for cooperation with our doctors who currently live and work abroad. The office will be at the service of interested doctors in connection with the exchange of opinions, initiatives, the organization of professional training of medical personnel, and will also provide all necessary information about employment opportunities in one of our health institutions.
Interested doctors working abroad can get all the information by calling the office at +381648811379, as well as by email at dijaspora@zdravlje.gov.rs .


The Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Canada invites you to a special projection of Niagara Falls in the colors of the Serbian tricolor, in celebration of the National Day of the Republic of Serbia, February 15th, 2025.

The falls will be illuminated with red, blue, and white lights at 10:00 PM EST, lasting for fifteen (15) minutes. Please note that the lighting time is approximate and subject to change depending on weather conditions.

Live camera link for tracking:

Ottawa: Statehood Day of the Republic of Serbia was solemnly celebrated
The Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Ottawa organized a diplomatic reception at the elegant Rideau Club to celebrate Serbian Statehood Day.
Despite the very challenging weather conditions that day (a blizzard), the response from the guests was excellent. Numerous ambassadors, diplomats, representatives of Canadian business and politics, and members of the Serbian community from Ottawa, Toronto, Hamilton, Kitchener and Montreal enhanced our celebration, traditional drinks, food and music. The choir of the Serbian Orthodox Church “St. Stephen” from Ottawa sang the Serbian and Canadian anthems.
After the video message of MFA M. Đurić, Ambassador D. Ralević spoke about the significance of February 15 for Serbian history and statehood, as well as relations between Serbia and Canada, and R. Sinclair, Director General of the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, addressed the audience, recalling the ties between Serbia and Canada, future cooperation and common expectations, and conveyed congratulations on behalf of the Canadian government.

ICAO - 80 years since the Chicago convention was signed

#Chicago: Amazing celebration of 80 years since #chicagoconvention was signed and enabled the creation of @icao as the powerful international organization in the #civilaviation. @AmbDejanRalevic as 🇷🇸permanent representative attended the celebration #dgca (1/2)


#Chicago: Célébration étonnante des 80 ans de la signature de la #conventiondechicago et de la création de @oaci en tant que puissante organisation internationale de #aviationcivile . @AmbDejanRalevic en tant que représentant permanent 🇷🇸 a assisté à la célébration #dgca (2/2)


Armistice Day in World War I

Today, on Armistice Day in World War I, we remember the Golgotha ​​that Today, on #ArmisticeDay in World War I, we remember the Golgotha ​​that our country and our people went through during the war years, but also we remember the perseverance and #heroism of our famous ancestors, to whom we owe our existence today. The #Serbian people was the biggest victim of World War I.

The Central Powers, driven by imperial ambitions, tried to erase a small but freedom-loving country from the map. In that war, Serbia lost more than a quarter of its population and 62 percent of the working-age male population. It will remain etched in the annals of world #militaryhistory that the courageous Serbian people achieved the first #victory for the Allies on Mount Cer.

The devastated Serbian state and the suffering Serbian people rose from the ashes, just like the indestructible Natalie’s ramonda flower, an emblem that we proudly wear close to our hearts today. Serbia paid a high price for #freedom in World War I, which is why our country and its citizens will continue to protect Serbian #statehood, freedom and #independence as supreme national values. Long live Serbia! 

Long live Serbia!


Day of Mourning in the Republic of Serbia


Due to today's tragic event at the train station in Novi Sad, which caused the death of at least 13 people and more than 30 injuries, the Government of the Republic of Serbia declared Saturday, November 2, 2024, as the Day of Mourning in the Republic of Serbia.

We inform citizens that a Book of mourning will be opened at the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Ottawa on Saturday, November 2, 2024. and on Sunday, November 3, 2024, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Eternal glory to the victims.

Minister Miščević is participating in a conference on the humane dimension of the Ukrainian peace formula

October 31, 2024 | Montreal


The Minister for European Integration, Tanja Miščević, is participating in the two-day Ministerial Conference on the Humane Dimension of the Ukrainian Peace Formula in Montreal, Canada, which began yesterday. On the sidelines of that meeting, she had a series of bilateral meetings with officials of the participating states.

The topic of evaluating the progress achieved in the process of European integration was dominant in discussions with Timco Mucuski, Minister of Foreign Affairs of North Macedonia, Gordan Grlić Radman, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Croatia, as well as with Michael Seibert, Director of the European Foreign Policy Service.

The meeting with the Swiss Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ignacio Cassis, was an opportunity for the two ministers to discuss strengthening bilateral cooperation and Switzerland's support for our European path.

Tanja Miščević had an open and constructive conversation with the Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice Olga Stefanišina, who expressed her gratitude to the Serbian minister for the sharing of experiences in the process of European integration, as well as for the continued support in establishing the necessary structures in the Ukrainian administration in the same process. In this sense, both sides showed interest in concluding a Memorandum of Understanding, which would define the forms and directions of further cooperation in joining the European Union. Stefanišina expressed gratitude for Serbia's efforts to provide humanitarian aid and provide support to Ukraine's power system. During the meeting, support for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the two countries was confirmed once again.  


State Secretary Jović is visiting Canada
State Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Damjan Jović, is on a working visit to Canada, during which he met with senior officials of the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as representatives of both houses of the Canadian Federal Parliament.
During the visit, Jovic spoke with Canadian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Sandra McCardell, then Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Rob Oliphant, as well as Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs in the Senate Peter Behm and Vice Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs in the House of Representatives Stephane Bergeron.
State Secretary Jović discussed with the interlocutors the need to intensify political dialogue between the two countries, strengthen economic cooperation and connect in the field of information technology and artificial intelligence.
Also, Jović introduced the interlocutors to the excellent results of the Serbian economy and invited Canadian companies to invest in Serbia.
When it comes to the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, at the meetings held, the state secretary pointed out the extremely difficult situation in which the Serbian people are in our southern province, as well as the challenges in the dialogue process between Belgrade and Pristina.
In all discussions, the importance of respecting international law and the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the UN member states was emphasized, as well as the necessity of achieving peace and stability in crisis hotspots in the world, including Ukraine and the Middle East.
In addition to the above, Jović emphasized the importance of Serbia's European integration and the necessity of cooperation in the region.
During his stay in Canada, State Secretary Damjan Jović also attended the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the church-school municipality in Montreal, where the main guest was His Eminence, the Serbian patriarch Mr. Porfirije.

Ottawa: Statehood Day of the Republic of Serbia was solemnly celebrated

The Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Ottawa, in the prestigious Fairmont Chateau Laurier Hotel, organized a reception on the occasion of the Statehood Day.

In the welcoming speeches of the Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia, Dejan Ralević, and the Assistant Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada, Alexandre Lévêque, messages about traditionally good and stable bilateral relations, as well as emphasizing the importance of economic cooperation between the two countries, dominated.

Both speakers emphasized the importance of the Serbian community in Canada in the process of building bridges between countries.

The choir of St. Stephen's Church from Ottawa, the youth of the folklore society "Legende" from Ottawa and the well-known musical group "Swing Fewer", which has an international composition, including a Serbian musician, took part in the program.

The reception was attended by members of the Lower House of Parliament, the Senate, representatives of the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and members of diplomatic corps. Among the guests were all three honorary consuls in Canada (Montreal, Calgary, Vancouver), as well as representatives of the Serbian community and the Serbian Orthodox Church.

Traditionally, the famous Niagara Falls were illuminated in the colors of the Serbian tricolor in honor of the National Day, and the national flag of Serbia was raised on the flagpole in front of the city hall in Ottawa.

Speech delivered by ambassador Dejan Ralevic at the reception on the occasion of celebrating the Statehood Day of the Republic of Serbia:

"Distinguished members of the House of Commons and senators, Assistant Deputy Minister Lévêque, your Excellences, representatives of Canadian government, members of the diplomatic corps, ladies and gentlemen and fellow citizens, good evening and welcome.

Permettez-moi d’abord de souligner que nous sommes réunis aujourd’hui sur le territoire non cédé du peuple algonquin anishinabe.

On this auspicious day, we gather to commemorate and celebrate the rich history, culture, and spirit of Serbia. Today marks our Serbian National Day, a momentous occasion that resonates with pride and reflection.

As we reflect on our journey as a nation, we are reminded of the resilience and strength ingrained within the fabric of our society. Throughout centuries of challenges, triumphs, disappointments and transformations, Serbia has remained steadfast in its pursuit of freedom, justice, and prosperity.

Today Serbia commemorates two important events. First, the beginning of the Serbian Revolution in 1804 and the First Serbian Uprising mark a significant event in Serbian history that eventually led to the establishment of modern Serbia as an independent state, and the second, creation of the First Serbian Constitution, known as the Sretenje Constitution, which was adopted on February 15, 1835.

Ces deux dates ont de grande importance pour la renaissance du peuple serbe et de son pays. La première représente la lutte pour la liberté, tandis que la seconde a confirmé que la liberté était limitée par celle des autres. C'est pourquoi la Constitution qui a été adoptée, stipulait qu'il ne devait plus y avoir d'esclaves et que tout esclave, qui foulait le sol serbe, devenait libre. Cette Constitution était la plus libérale d'Europe et aboutit à une réforme agraire dont peu d'États de l'époque pouvaient être fiers.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Allow me to reflect now on Canadian–Serbian Relations. Although Canada and Serbia have been allies in two World Wars, with 82 years long tradition of diplomatic relations, sometimes we use our diplomatic skills to navigate through challenges and stormy waters. Our diplomatic relations evolved because they are built on mutual respect, cooperation, and shared values. It is not uncommon among friends to have different perspectives about the world around us, but despite that, we continue to recognize the significance of the bond that exists between our two nations.

L'un des domaines de coopération devrait être la Francophonie, car la Serbie est très déterminée à contribuer au travail de l'organisation et à son avenir. Le Canada et ses provinces francophones sont nos alliés.

Nos deux pays ont convenu de diverger des positions sur la question la plus sensible – l’intégrité territoriale et souveraineté de mon pays, mais on essaie de trouver les canaux de communication qui devrait aider le dialogue entre Belgrade et Pristina à aboutir à une solution acceptable. On espère que le Canada reconnait la complexité de cette question.

For more than a century Serbian community in Canada has represented the vital pillar of Serbian-Canadian relations. Serbian immigration to Canada dates back to the late 19th century, with notable waves of immigration occurring in the early 20th century and after World War II. Many Serbs initially settled in urban centers such as Montreal, Toronto, Hamilton and Windsor, as well as in the endless plains of Saskatchewan and Alberta. Yes, those humble Serbian peasants left their homeland in search of a brighter future in the vast Canadian prairies. That’s why the first Serbian Orthodox church was built in Regina in 1912. The Serbian community in Canada is characterized by its resilience, diversity, and contributions to the multicultural mosaic of Canadian society. Serbian Canadians continue to enrich Canada's social fabric while preserving their rich cultural heritage and identity.

La coopération commerciale et économique constitue un élément important de nos relations bilatérales. Afin de ne pas vous endormir, je ne vais pas aller avec les chiffres, mais les données statistiques montrent une activité nettement accrue dans la coopération commerciale extérieure entre la Serbie et le Canada, en particulier du côté des exportations (minerais et concentrés de cuivre). La Serbie et le Canada reconnaissent le potentiel d’une augmentation du commerce, des investissements et des partenariats commerciaux. En explorant les voies d’une coopération économique renforcée, nous ouvrons la voie à une croissance et une prospérité partagées pour nos citoyens. Nous sommes très heureux que les secteurs canadien et serbe aient commencé à coopérer plus vigoureusement. Plus encore, certaines entreprises serbes de l’informatique, comme Quantox Technology, ont donné l’exemple depuis qu’elle a commencé à faire des affaires au Canada en ouvrant une succursale locale à Ottawa. Les efforts visant à renforcer les partenariats bilatéraux en matière de commerce, d’investissement et d’affaires se poursuivent, même s’il reste encore des possibilités d’expansion et de collaboration dans divers secteurs.

I need to underline that Belgrade, capital of Serbia, will host 2027 Special EXPO, and the opportunities for closer and broader cooperation are in front of us – I use this occasion to invite Canadian and your companies to take part to this great event in a couple of years.

Yet, as we celebrate our achievements, we must also acknowledge the challenges that lie ahead. In an increasingly interconnected world, we must embrace diversity, tolerance, and inclusivity as the cornerstones of our collective strength. It is through dialogue, understanding, and cooperation that we can forge a brighter future for generations to come. We continue to strive towards membership in the EU, as our most important strategic goal. Regional stability and reconciliation remain our paramount goals, despite sporadic challenges and tensions.

As we honor our heritage and traditions, let us also look to the horizon with hope and optimism. On this Serbian Statehood Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to nurturing the strong bonds of friendship and cooperation between Serbia and Canada. Let us seize the opportunities that lie ahead to deepen our partnership, expand our cooperation, and address the global challenges that confront us. In closing, let us celebrate the enduring spirit of diplomacy that unites our two nations. May the friendship between Serbia and Canada continue to thrive and flourish for generations to come.

Long live Serbia, long live Canada!

Thank you, Merci, Hvala."


Competition for co-financing projects for the region and the diaspora in 2024

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Directorate for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region, from February 1 to February 12, 2024, is announcing a COMPETITION for the co-financing of projects whose quality contributes to the preservation and strengthening of ties between the home country and the diaspora, as well as between the home country and the Serbs in the region.




By decision of the REPUBLIC ELECTION COMMISSION voting on the territory of Canada (Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver) will take place on December 16, 2023. in the period from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. (local time in Canada).

We invite members of the diaspora registered for elections (Vancouver and Calgary) to apply, if they wish, to be members of the electoral committee in Vancouver. Applications are sent to the Honorary Consulate of Serbia in Vancouver (consul@serbianconsulate.bc.ca) no later than 30.11.2023!!!




We would like to inform you that the Republic Election Commission has issued a Decision on determining polling stations for voting in the elections for deputies of the National Assembly scheduled for December 17, 2023. According to the Decision, 3 polling stations in Canada were designated, namely:

1. Embassy of the RS Ottawa - for voters registered for Ottawa and Montreal,
21 Blackburn Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K1N 8A2
2. Consulate General of the RS Toronto - for voters registered in Toronto,
40 Eglinton Avenue East, 7th floor, unit 701
3. Honorary Consulate of the RS Vancouver - for voters registered in Vancouver and Calgary,
7411 Vantage Way-Delta, VANCOUVER, B.C. V4G 1C9


Book of Condolences

Following the tragic loss of lives at the “Vladislav Ribnikar” Elementary School shooting in Belgrade on 3 May 2023, the Government of Serbia has declared three days of national mourning, from 5 May to 7 May 2023.

The Embassy of the Republic of Serbia is grateful for all the messages of support we have received.

A book of condolence will open at the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia, at 21 Blackburn Ave., Ottawa, ON K1N 8A2.

Members of the public who wish to leave written tributes can do so during the following opening hours:

on Friday, May 5, 2023, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.


Please be advised that visitors to the Embassy will be subject to security checks.  

Letters and messages of condolence can be sent to the official email address of this Embassy communication.ottawa@mfa.rs.


The Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Canada invites you to a special projection of Niagara Falls in the colors of the Serbian tricolor, on the occasion of celebrating the Statehood Day of the Republic of Serbia on February 15, 2023.
The falls will be illuminated with red, blue and white light at 10:15 PM EST (4:15 AM Serbia time) for fifteen (15) minutes. Please note that lighting times are approximate and subject to change depending on weather conditions.
Camera link for live 

Statement by Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Nikola Selaković at the meeting of the UN Security Council on the report on the work of UNMIK


Mr. President,
Madam Special Representative,
Ladies and gentleman,
It gives me honor to address this distinguished body once again and to discuss the latest report of the Secretary-General on the work of the UNMIK.
I would like to thank the Secretary-General and the Special Representative for submitting the report. We take note of the efforts that Ms. Ziadeh makes in performing this very responsible duty, especially bearing in mind the necessity of a comprehensive overview and the complexity of the situation on the ground.
I also take this opportunity to underline that the Republic of Serbia highly values the activities of UNMIK in Kosovo and Metohija, established under UN Security Council Resolution 1244. We advocate for its continued operation in an unchanged and undiminished scope and capacity, especially bearing in mind that the Mission has not yet achieved the main goal of its mandate - a peaceful and normal life for all citizens of our southern province...

Selaković: Serbia is actively involved in combating terrorism, radicalism and extremism

11. May 2022.

Today, in Marrakesh, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Nikola Selaković participated in the Ministerial Meeting of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS. Minister Selaković said that Serbia was committed to the multilateral aspect of the fight against terrorism, adding that he firmly believed the United Nations should be the key forum for international cooperation in this field.

Minister Selaković stated that Serbia was fulfilling all international obligations pertaining to the implementation of UN Security Council resolutions, especially those related to the introduction of arms embargoes, including bans aimed at non-state actors, terrorist organisations and related individuals. He emphasised that Serbia was a signatory to 15 international conventions against terrorism. “By participating in multinational UN and EU peacekeeping missions, Serbia is making a concrete contribution to preserving regional and global security,” Minister Selaković said, paying tribute to a member of the Serbian Army, Lieutenant Colonel Dejan Stanojević and his colleagues, who tragically lost their lives on March 29 in the United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
“Serbia does not diminish the importance of other international forums, which is why it joined the Global Coalition from the very beginning, and selflessly contributes to international efforts to fight ISIS, primarily through various forms of donations in military equipment, ammunition, and training in Iraqi security forces”, Minister Selaković said. He added that as a candidate country for membership in the European Union, Serbia gave its full contribution through active participation in European policies on the fight against terrorism, and had developed a strategic cooperation with EUROPOL.
Minister Selaković noted that Serbian criminal legislation provided instruments to prevent and punish the encouragement, organisation, and participation of its citizens in wars or conflicts in foreign countries. He explained that the Serbian judicial authorities had completed proceedings against 7 persons engaged in foreign battlefields, and that several investigations against persons connected with terrorist activities were underway.
Minister Selaković said that the fight against terrorism, radicalism and extremism was a priority, and that Serbia was actively involved in combating these challenges and threats at the domestic, regional, and international level.

Registration for voting at the RS Embassy on the occasion of the upcoming elections in the Republic of Serbia by March 12, 2022

We would like to inform you that the Ministry of State Administration and Local Self-Government of the Republic of Serbia has made a decision regarding the upcoming elections in the Republic of Serbia, scheduled on April 3, 2022.

Video of Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Serbia to mark Statehood Day 2022 - YouTube 2022 - YouTube

On this day in 1804, Serbian insurgents gathered in Orašac and united against the Ottoman occupation. With the first Serbian uprising, the so-called The Serbian revolution has begun and lasted until 1835. That year, on the same day when the insurgents, led by Karadjordje, gathered in Orašac in 1804, the first Constitution of the Principality of Serbia (Sretenje Constitution) was drafted and confirmed in Kragujevac. This date, in every sense, represents a turning point in the historical and political life of Serbia and Serbs, and it has left a huge impact on the cultural and educational heritage of our people and state. That is why today, with pride, we mark it as the Statehood Day of the Republic of Serbia. Below is a video message from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia on the occasion of the Statehood Day.

Video of Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Serbia 2022 - YouTube

Belgrade to get Centre for Fourth Industrial Revolution

7 February 2022

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic attended today in Geneva the signing of the Agreement on the Establishment of the World Economic Forum Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Serbia, the first of its kind in the Western Balkans.

The agreement was signed at the headquarters of that forum by Director of the Office for Information Technologies and eGovernment Mihailo Jovanovic and Managing Director and Head of the Forum's Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Jeremy Jurgens.

The centre in Serbia will be the 16th in the network of centres of the World Economic Forum in the world and the first in the region of the Western Balkans.

The new centre will start operating on 1 March and will function as a non-profit organisation and a platform for public-private partnership and cooperation for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, while the focus of work will be on artificial intelligence and bioengineering.

This centre will work within the Serbian government’s Office for Information Technologies and eGovernment and will cooperate with scientific institutes, state institutions and the private sector.

The signing of this document was also attended by founder and Executive Director of the World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab and President of the World Economic Forum Borge Brende, with whom Brnabic had previously met.

Addressing the press, Brnabic pointed out that this agreement is the result of many years of joint work between Serbia and the World Economic Forum.

We started talking in 2018, signed a Memorandum of Understanding, then 2020 hampered us a bit, but we continued to plan in 2021 and here we are today, she said.

According to her, the centre will be focused on the development of artificial intelligence, biomedicine and biotechnology, and on the ways in which digitalisation can raise the productivity of companies and the entire economy.

This is what further leads to higher salaries, a better standard of living, as well as to an economy that is mainly based on knowledge, creativity and innovation, Brnabic emphasised.

Today, we have received great recognition for everything that Serbia has done in the field of digitalisation, development of high technologies and paradigm shift – from an economy that was based on labour-intensive investments to digital development.

That is why this agreement shows that Serbia has been recognised as one of the leaders in the economy and IT industry in the last six years, the Prime Minister pointed out and assessed that this is the announcement of the beginning of an even closer cooperation between Serbia and WEF.

She added that they will have a joint meeting with the 16 WEF centres for the fourth industrial revolution in the world every month, at which they will talk about what each of them is doing, since each has a different focus.

That is how we will hear what everyone is doing every month, learn from each other and I am sure that the centre in Belgrade will be one of the best, the Prime Minister said.

According to her, this gives us visibility, the opportunity to further establish Serbia as an investment destination, a country good for living and investing in new technologies and knowledge.

Jovanovic said that the ecosystem formed around the centre will use the infrastructure of the National Platform for the Development of Artificial Intelligence, the Centre for Genome Sequencing and the future bioeconomic centre – BIO4 Campus.

Izvor/Foto: Tanjug

Article: Osmani's NATO bid shouldn't be taken seriously by H.E. Dejan Ralevic, Ambassador

UNESCO’s role extremely important for preservation of Serbian heritage in Kosovo and Metohija

November 12, 2021

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated today that severe examples of endangering the Serbian cultural, historical and spiritual heritage in Kosovo and Metohija are proof of the important role of UNESCO in protecting and preserving heritage.

At the 41st session of the General Conference of UNESCO in Paris, Brnabic emphasized that four jewels of the Serbian medieval cultural heritage in Kosovo – Visoki Decani, Pec Patriarchate, Gracanica and Bogorodica Ljeviska, have been preserved thanks to the fact that they are inscribed on the endangered world heritage list. Hundreds of other sites and monuments are endangered.

The Serbian heritage in Kosovo and Metohija is of immeasurable importance, not only for the national identity of Serbia, but also as a part of the esteemed European and world heritage, she underlined.

Source/Photo: www.srbija.gov.rs

Address of the President of the Republic of Serbia at the United Nations climate change conference COP26 held in Glasgow

November 2, 2021

"Your Excellences,

distinguished delegates,
dear Sarah,

At the very beginning, I feel obliged to thank Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Her Majesty’s Government for exceptional hospitality.

I feel privileged to represent the Republic of Serbia at this important place and at the highest-level world forum, in working on the most important topic of today – promoting climate awareness...

Selaković in UNSC: Dialogue and the implementation of the agreements reached are the only right way to resolve all open issues

October 15, 2021

Distinguished President of the Security Council,

Esteemed members of the Security Council,


Distinguished Special Representative,
I would like to thank Secretary-General of the United Nations Mr. Guterres and Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNMIK Mr. Tanin for the report submitted and for their efforts made towards the implementation of the UNMIK mandate. I would also like to thank the members of the Security Council for the continued attention they have devoted to the issue of Kosovo and Metohija. The Republic of Serbia highly values the activities of the Mission of the United Nations in Kosovo and Metohija and supports it in carrying out its work as efficiently as possible, pursuant to the UN Security Council Resolution 1244, and undiminished in scope, aiming to build and preserve lasting peace, stability and security in the Province.

Virtual concert - marking the 80th anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between Belgrade and Ottawa (Serbia and Canada)

Serbian Embassy together with H.E. Dejan Ralevic, Ambassador and music artists living in Canada, marks 80 years of Diplomatic connections between Belgrade and Ottawa (Serbia and Canada) virtual concert:


PDF from SLOVO magazine - edition #57:

Link: http://www.ottawa.mfa.gov.rs/odrzavanje/uploads/SLOVO-Broj_57-Oktobar_2021-Strane_31-33.pdf

We warmly thank the journalist of BETA - Mr. Milomir Niketic

Associates who helped create the video - Mrs Violeta Lalic Zaric, Motion Graphic Design https://www.violetagraphicdesign.ca/

Many thanks to our Serbian musical artists:
1. National Anthem of the Republic of Serbia ′′ God of Justice ", performed by Martina Govednik.
2. Dusan Suvajac, ′′ Dudun Sa - Sa ", performed by Goran Gojevic.
3. Arya for soprano from the Italian opera ′′ Masked Ball ′′ by Giuseppe Verdi, performed by Vasilisa Atanackovic.
4. ′′ Nest Svjat from Opel ", Stevan St. Mokranjac, performed by Choir Kir Stefan Serb. https://www.facebook.com/kirstefantheserb.ca
5. ′′ Romance ′′ composer - Petar Stojanovic, performed by Ana Drobac (violin) and Amelia Fortin (drunk).
6. Vasily Mokranjac, ′′ Six games ′′ (passage), performed by Victor Lazarov.
7. Inspired by the song ′′ This morning my rose bloomed ", performed by Vlad Mars.
8. ′′ The most beautiful star ", performed by Choir ′′ Kir Stefan Serb ".
9. ′′ Adagio ", Johann Sebastian Bach, performed by Marija Krstic.
10. ′′ Tokata ", Zoran Hristic (1928-2019), performed by Katarina Jovic.
11. Friedrich Demnitz, Etida in C Major, performed by Goran Gojevic.
12. Marko Tajčević, ′′ Seven Balkan Games ′′ (passage), performed by Victor Lazarov.
13. ′′ Embroidery ", composer - Ana Sokolovic, performed by Indie Gailay.
14. ′′ Fog Fallen ", performed by Martina Govednik.
15. Miodrag Lazarov Pasha, ′′ Waltz ′′ (passage of world premiere), performed by Victor Lazarov.
16. ′′ Rusalkina Arya ′′ from opera ′′ Rusalka ′′ composer Antonin Dvorzak, performed by Vasilisa Atanackovic.

Prime Minister Brnabic at Global COVID-19 summit organised by White House

22 September, 2021

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic participated today at the Global COVID-19 summit, organised by the White House, which was opened by US President Joseph Biden.

The video messages are attended by a large number of world leaders and officials of international organizations, including UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, British and Canadian Prime Ministers, Boris Johnson and Justin Trudeau, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and many others.

In the message, the Prime Minister pointed out that Serbia was among the first European countries to procure a covid vaccine, and that she was the first European Prime Minister to receive the vaccine.

Thanks to years of investment in digitalisation and development of eGovernment, we have managed to organise a complicated and complex vaccination process very efficiently and in a way that it is focused on citizens, she explained.

However, as she added, from the very beginning we were aware that this is not just a matter of our citizens and only our struggle. In the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, we are all safe or no one is safe.

That is why, in addition to procuring vaccines for our citizens, we donated vaccines to the citizens of the Western Balkans, but also to other countries, she reminded and specified that Serbia donated 230,000 doses of vaccines to the region, we vaccinated foreign citizens in Serbia with approximately 300,000 doses and set aside we have 570,000 doses of vaccines for countries in Africa and Asia.

Brnabic mentioned that Serbia has already started the production of covid vaccine from one manufacturer, and that it will start production from another by the end of the year, because in that way we want to help and support all people and countries that need vaccines.

This is a pandemic in which we will either win together or lose together, but we must fight together, the Prime Minister repeated.

That is why Serbia supports the goals of this global summit, she emphasised, and expressed her gratitude to the United States of America and President Biden for organising the summit and supporting joint efforts in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

Vaccines are the only way out in the fight against the pandemic, concluded Brnabic.

20.000.000 dinars were allocated for the establishment of new schools and classes of supplementary classes in the diaspora

Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Administration for Cooperation with Diaspora and Serbs in the region has decided on co-financing projects that contribute with their quality to preserve and strengthening the bonds of the home state and the diaspora. At the competition that was announced from July 22. to August 06., 2021. for co-financing of projects in the field of classes - Support for the establishment of new schools and classes of supplementary teaching of Serbian language in the diaspora, ten proposals of the Serbian associations, organizations and Eparchy have arrived Serbian Orthodox Church from Austria, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Russian Federation, South African Republic and Spain.

Funds in total amount of 20.000.000 dinars intended for syfinancing projects that contribute with their quality to preserve and strengthen the bonds of the home state and the diaspora aimed at: preserving and nurturing Serbian cultural, ethnic, language and religious identity, which can be listed as the area - support for the establishment of new schools and classes of supplementary teaching of Serbian language in the diaspora are allocated for:

SPKD Education Austria, Serbian language school education, 4.250.000 dinars,
Serbian educational and cultural center Saint Jelena Anjouska Malta, Serbian language school in Malta 4.800.000 dinars,
Eparchy of the Western European SPCrque - Servisch Orthodoxe Kerk in Nederland, Creative workshops in Serbian language for children 2.000.000 dinars,
NPO Center for International Cooperation ′′ Russian-Balkan Dialogue ", Supplementary school of Serbian language in Moscow and Saint Petersburg 5.250.000 dinars,
Eparchy of the Western European SPC - Iglesia ortodoxa serbia Parroquias espa ñolas, Creative workshops in Serbian for children in Spain and Portugal 3.700.000 dinars.

Director of the Administration for Cooperation with Diaspora and Serbs in the region, Arno Guillon, will on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Administration for cooperation with the Serbs in the region, sign contracts for co-financing with selected users, in which mutual rights and obligations will be arranged in order Realization of approved projects from this decision.


September 15th - Celebrating the Day of Serbian unity, freedom and national flag


President of Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic attended today a central event dedicated to celebrating the Day of Serbian unity, freedom and national flag on Sava square.

′′ Your Holiness, respected member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Dodik, esteemed president of the Republic of Srpska Mrs. Cvijanovic, respected president of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, respected president of the Government of the Republic of Serbia Mrs. Brnabic, your excellency, honorable fathers, dear friends,
King Petar the First Karadjordjevic, presented June and November 1911. the 51th regiment flag to his army.
None of those flags are captured, which is a precedent in modern warfare history.

Heroes who were entrusted with the task of taking care of those flags, passed all the battles of Balkan and World War I, so that on this very day in 1918., storming under those banners, would go victoriously into the breakthrough of Thessaloniki front. Glory to our great Serbian heroes!

To our ancestors, heroes of Kolubara, Cer, Kumanovo, carriers of Kara đor đee's star and Albanian monument, Serbian tricolor, red-blue-white, was bigger and more important and more important and stronger than life, because it warned them that Serbia's freedom has no price, no alternative That's why barjaktari died, but the flags survived.
Because of them, because of all the others who under that flag, under that name, gave their lives, today we celebrate the Day of Serbian unity, freedom and national flag, perhaps the most important holiday of ours, which clearly tells us who we are, where we come from, and where we are going.

It is a holiday of our identity, the one in which language, culture, tradition, faith, but also values on which society rests, values that make one country civilized, organized, capable of remembering, but also to know what is wrong with it and why To do.
The date we chose, September 15. th, is the date of breakthrough of Thessaloniki front, that day in which, together, lie both our pain and our glory, which make up the first part of that Renan definition of the nation, by which it is based on mutual suffering, glory in the past, but also in common plan for the future.
On that September 15. th, 1918., the only plan was freedom, towards which Serbian troops rushed with the famous order of Zivojin Misic: In death, just don't stop! Forward, to the homeland!
That day was the first in a series of similar plebiscites, on which, regardless of the bloody price, we chose, nanovo and nanovo, Serbia and its freedom.

Today, precisely, it is important, that celebrating all the victims, every drop of blood they shed, every bone they sowed, on another plebiscite we adopt our new plan for the future. The one, in which we will stand under the same flag, knowing that it is the flag of freedom, and the flag of peace, but also the flag of the future.
The flag of our unity in the intention of preserving our identity and right to be who we are, one and the same people, who do not want to take anything from anyone, to endanger anyone, but only to perform for themselves the same right they admit to others. The right to name, to history, culture, language, faith, tradition and the right to exist.
It is the right to dignity, the right to remember, but also the right to what no one can force us to do, and many still try, unsuccessfully - the right to decide for ourselves and when and what to forget.

To myself, and others.
Not everything has always been quite bright during history, and most often towards ourselves, sometimes towards others, but, at least in these areas, there is no nation that has been through such darkness, and that grave, nation that has made such sacrifice to see light and became a nation, free.
What of all that we will forget, and many things we have to, just to not live forever in the past, can be exclusively our choice, not the decision of anyone on the side.
And immediately to be clear, this flag, all those who lie under it and because of it, the flag of our suffering, the flag of our bones, our pits, camps, the children they took from us, we will definitely never forget and we will proudly carry it.
In her, and that's another important lesson we have to learn, are all our meaningless divisions, all the failed dreams we dreamed, every mistake we made, but what matters in that is that, and such, that Our flag, represents that unity that is based on the fact that we are not perfect, that we are different, but also to know that the beauty of togetherness, is the beauty of the flag, exactly in that.

Exactly why, our red-blue-white tricolor is no call for single-mindedness, but the exact opposite, to preserve all our differences under one, same flag.
Under the symbol of freedom, identity, existence, rights to life, because these are the conditions for diversity.
Slaves are all the same, enslaved. Free people differ, because they are free.
And that's something that has to apply to all the people in the Balkans, regardless of where they live. To be free, to the same extent, with the same rights, with their language, faith, culture and tradition.

And it is not any special Serbian world, for which they accuse us, it is, simply, the world of the free, the world of those with their own name, with the right to speak loud and without consequences, always, and in every place.
We will never apologize to anyone again for the Serbian tricolor. We will carry it with pride always, and everywhere. There is nothing more important and more important to us than the unity of our people.
And that, according to us, has to apply to all the people in the Balkans, without any exceptions, and especially without constant attempts to allow someone, Serbs, first of all, a name, but also to add a stamp of guilt
This holiday of unity and freedom of ours, this flag of ours, play that role, they are proof that, being a Serb, does not mean being guilty, does not mean carrying the burden of condemnation, but, exactly the opposite, they say that pride goes with that name
Pride for Misar, Deligrad, Cele tower, and Takovo, Kumanovo, Milos, Djordje, Mihajlo, pride for Kolubara, Cer, Kajmakcalan, pride for Peter and Alexander, all the lives given for one beautiful, most beautiful attempt by all anti-fascists to preserve freedom in both that hardest time, but also because of the martyrs from Prebilovci, Jadovna, Jasenovac, whom we must never forget again, as we have forgotten for 70 years.
And that's us. That's Serbia. It's a new Serbia, a different Serbia, proud Serbia, which doesn't ask anyone for anything and who won't beg anyone, who just wants to have rights, just like everyone else has, and nothing more, but also nothing less.

That is the language, our Serbian language, language and Mesa Selimovic, and Ivo Andric, and Milos Crnjanski. It's the culture we created, it's faith without hatred, it's our being, it determines us and makes us a worthy nation.
That, in the end, gives us strength, science, that in this century, whose foundations are in our hands today, we seek peace and to discover our strength, greatness, in life, in what makes it better, in work, in great endeavors Making roads and bridges, in connections, in factories, new hospitals, in knowledge and faith that we can, can, equally, or more than all others.

And just like we are proud of our ancestors who gave their lives for freedom, so tomorrow our descendants should be proud of us, who teach them how to live for freedom and how to live in freedom.
And we need to teach them how to remember, and how to forget only by our own will. How you deserve dignity and how you respect the foundation.
And the foundation is that name, Serbia, under which so many unknowns are buried. And that flag of ours, in which they have woven their lives, to remain recognized. And glory, Homeland, which sees its children, hears, and helps, wherever they are.

The foundation is also this holiday, the holiday of our identity, our history, but also our differences that, again, give both glory and pain in the past, and a clear plan for the future.
And I want to say a big thank you to our people in Republika Srpska, I want to say a big thank you to his representatives, who are here, I want to say a big thank you to our people in Montenegro and its representatives, those who are not ashamed to say that they are Serbs , I want to say a big thank you to our martyr nation in Kosovo and Metohija, their representatives, who are here tonight, with us, but also to say a big thank you to all those who were not allowed to highlight their, Serbian flag today because of the threats of their regime in the region , to say thank you, because I know that their hearts are here tonight, with us and that they are beating for ours, for their Serbian people.
And allow me, in the end, to say that what I will do, however much I can, with all my strength, with all my heart, with all my soul, as much time as is left, I will lead Serbia to be even stronger, stronger, so that it can help the Republic To Srpska, never touching the rights of Bosnia and Herzegovina, to help our people in Montenegro, and in every place, and to protect every Serbian man from persecution, never to repeat to us again neither Jasenovac, nor Jadovno, nor Prebilovci, Neither Storm, nor Flash, nor pogroms from 2004. And that's our vow!

Let the Serbian unity live, our freedom and our red-blue-white tricolor! Let the Republic of Srpska live!
Long live Serbia!"

Source / Photo: Presidency / Dimitrije Goal

September 15th - Day of Serbian unity, Freedom and National flag

Serbia and Republika Srpska are celebrating a joint holiday for the first time - the Day of Serbian Unity, Freedom and the National Flag. It is celebrated on September 15th, the day when the Thessaloniki front was broken through in 1918 close to the end of the First World War.

In all municipalities in Serbia and the Republika Srpska, squares and central streets are decorated with the National and State flags of the Republic of Serbia. This holiday will be jointly celebrated in Serbia and Republika Srpska and in all areas where Serbs are around the world, symbolizing the unity of the Serbian people.

The timeless symbolism of this date is reflected in the fact that it is the day when in 1918, after more than two years, the Thessaloniki front finally broke through and the process of liberation of Serbia began, which ended on November 1, in just 45 days.

"In the fall of 1918, the breakthrough of the Thessaloniki front began. Few of the allied forces in World War I could then have imagined that this side battlefield would soon gain such importance, and that about 62,000 soldiers of a state that many no longer even believed would decide the outcome of a victory that was practically ended the First World War. "

Therefore, please expose and wave Serbian flag where ever you are on Septemebr 15th.

Campaign for the protection of property rights of Serbs in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Septemeber 9th, 2021.

In the Federation of BiH, the harmonization of data on real estate catastre and land registers is underway, the so-called data harmonization. During this process, members of the Serbian corpus may lose the right to property, which is in their ownership or possession.

An obstacle to the registration of property and other property rights in the Federation of BiH is the fact that invitations to property rights holders are not sent in person, and in many cases the state, entity, canton, municipality or person who uses Serbian property without authorization is registered as the owner.

Having in mind the above, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia has joined the activities in informing members of the Serb people originating from the Federation of BiH who are in the diaspora, to contact the Office for Professional Legal Assistance of the Republika Srpska on the following contacts:

Phone: +387 554 90 940
Viber WhatsApp: +38765 090 040
E-mail: pravnapomoc.banjaluka@rgurs.org
Facebook and Instagram> @kancelarijazapravnupomoc

Contacts of the Committee for the Protection of the Rights of Serbs in the Federation of BiH:

E-mail: odborzazastitupravasrbaufbih@gmail.com
Facebook: @srbiufederacijibih
Twitter; @OdborF


Meeting with a special Canadian friends of Serbia

H.E. Dejan Ralevic, Ambassador is honored and proud for calling them friends: ambassador James Bisset, general Andrew Leslie, general Lewis MacKenzie and journalist/war reporter Scott Taylor. We are grateful for their support!

Interwiew of H.E. Dejan Ralevic, Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia in Canada for Hill Times "Why do Serbs mourn while Croats celebrate?"

Hill Times
It’s been more than 25 years since one of the most tragic events happened to Serbian people in the Balkans. It happened on Aug. 4-7, 1995, on the territory known as Krajina in Croatia. And it’s still more remembered, and even celebrated, as the “glorious military victory” of the Croatian army than as the exodus of more than 220,000 Serbs from Croatia.
Operation Storm of the Croatian army, on the territory inhabited for centuries mostly with Serbs, was the aggression that resulted in killings and thousands of civilians still missing. It happened in a region under UN protection, which makes it even inexplicable.
Especially because the operation started just a day after Croatian-Serb leaders accepted in Geneva the international plan for a peaceful solution—not to forget that NATO gave its approval for such an action.
On Aug. 5, Serbs all over the world remembered with sorrow that tragic summer of 1995, when Croatian-Serbs had to flee the country as refugees, most of them never to return. Thousands of them even found their new home here in Canada, but they never forget why they left.
The Republic of Serbia and Serbian communities abroad commemorate this date as Remembrance Day, dedicated to those who lost their lives and were exiled in the “Storm.” At the same time, Croatia is celebrating its national victory day, which is actually distorting the reality of what would be normally called ethnic cleansing—people had to leave as they were afraid of revenge, remembering well the tragic stories of their grandparents and parents in the Second World War.
Many people were killed just for being Serbs. The crimes against Serbian civilians are still unpunished. No one speaks about it or wants to reveal the other side of the story.
The story about Serbian hegemony in the Balkans, especially in the former Yugoslavia, and Serbs’ responsibility for conflicts in the ’90s was widely sold to the international public—including Canada, whose peacekeeping soldiers, unfortunately, were witnesses in some operations in the conflicts in Croatia when Serbian civilians were victims—and we keep trying to make our friends and partners hear and understand the seriousness of the revision of history.
Lives were lost, people had left, patrimony was ruined or destroyed, and still, no one was held accountable for the expulsion of almost a quarter-of-a-million Serbs from Croatia. It’s never a state’s victory if you don’t have your citizens back. It’s never a sincere celebration while others mourn over their dead and missing.
Injustice is, unfortunately, part of human history, but eventually comes to light and becomes defeated. We all need to heal our wounds and not forget why, and how, we got them in order to prevent the next ones.
The Republic of Serbia and the Serbs in the Balkans are committed to work closely with all other nations, neighbours, and friends to prevent similar things happening.
Dejan Ralevic
Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to Canada
Ottawa, Ontario

Nikola Tesla Day in Ontario - Part 1

The link for part 1 of the Serbian Television broadcast of the Nikola Tesla Day in Ontario ceremony at Queen’s Park.

Part one: https://youtu.be/OPezf0_nK8A

Part 2 airs this Sunday 7pm OMNI1

Marquant le Jour du Souvenir de tous les Serbes morts et expulsés dans l'Opération « Tempête ».

Le 5 Août 2021

Le président de la République de Serbie, Aleksandar Vučić, il a assisté à la célébration du Jour du Souvenir de tous les Serbes morts et expulsés dans l'Opération « Tempête » et il a déclaré que la Serbie se souvient !

« Aujourd'hui, alors que nous nous souvenons à nouveau de ce qui s'est passé en Août 1995, d’un terrible pogrom, de l'expulsion de plus de 250 000 Serbes, de l'exode et du nettoyage ethnique, nous nous rappelons également qui nous sommes, ce que nous sommes, d'où nous venons et où nous allons. Merci à tous d'être ici avec nous ce soir et d'avoir montré à quel point nous aimons notre peuple. » a déclaré le président Vučić et il a ajouté que nous n'oublierons pas tout ce que le peuple de la Krajina a dû traverser.

« Pour nous, ce n’est pas seulement un nombre terrible de victimes. » a déclaré le président Vučić et il a souligné que la Serbie n'oubliera jamais cet évènement.
« L'histoire ne s'est jamais refaite comme aujourd'hui. C'est pourquoi je voudrais nous rappeler à tous, non seulement ce que les autres nous ont fait, ne pas vouloir exister, mais aussi à ce que nous avons fait à nous-mêmes, comme si on ne voulait pas exister. » a déclaré le président et il a mentionné qu'il ne doit plus jamais arriver que la Serbie oublie ses héros silencieux.

Le président Vučić a souligné que nous ne devons plus jamais nous couvrir les yeux, les oreilles et la bouche, devant quelque chose qui était un pogrom et une chute de toute humanité.
« Ne reconnaissant pas que cet événement s'est produit c’est un crime, n'est pas seulement contre les victimes, mais aussi contre nous-mêmes, contre chaque Serbe vivant, contre les gens de Krajina, contre la Serbie et son avenir. » a déclaré le président Vučić et il a souligné que les gens, seulement s'ils ont des souvenirs, peuvent se tenir la tête haute et vivre avec eux-mêmes et avec les autres sans écart, peur et doute.

Le président Vučić a souligné que la Serbie doit lutter pour la paix et pour les berceaux des enfants, ainsi que l'oubli nous annule et nous efface de l'histoire et de l'avenir, nous privant du droit au futur.
« Notre mission est un avenir heureux pour nous et pour la nouvelle génération ! La Serbie d'aujourd'hui repose sur une identité claire et une culture du souvenir ! » a souligné le président Vučić et il a rappelé que tout ce qui avait été négligé pendant des décennies, a été fait, ainsi qu'une Serbie forte est devenue maître de son propre destin.

«Gloire éternelle aux martyrs serbes morts dans l'Opération « Tempête »et dans tous les pogroms. Vos enfants sont dans leur Serbie, pris en charge, aimés et réussis. Dormez paisiblement, faucons serbes, l'avenir de vos enfants est notre vœu. » a conclu le président Vučić. Il a remercié tous ceux qui ont montré ce soir à quel point ils aiment leur pays et il a souligné encore une fois que la Serbie se souvient !

La source : www.predsednik.rs

La photo : www.predsednik.rs

Marking the Remembrance Day of all Serbs who died and were expelled in the armed operation "Storm"

5 August 2021

The President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, attended the celebration of the Remembrance Day of all the victims and expelled Serbs in the armed operation "Storm" and said that Serbia remembers!

"Today, when we remind ourselves again of what happened in August 1995, the terrible pogrom, the expulsion of more than 250,000 Serbs, the exodus and ethnic cleansing, we, at the same time, and finally, remind ourselves of who we are, what we are, where we come from and where we are going. Thank you all for being here together tonight and for showing how much we love our people", said President Vučić, adding that we will not forget any of the things that the Krajina people had to go through.

"For us, these are not just terrible numbers of victims", said President Vučić and emphasized that Serbia will not forget.

"History has never been rewritten like today. That is why I want to remind us all not only of what others have done to us, not wanting us to exist, but also of what we have done to ourselves, just as if we ourselves did not want to exist", said the President, noting that we must never again allow Serbia to forget its silent heroes.

President Vučić emphasized that we must never again cover our eyes, ears, and mouths in front of something that truly was a pogrom and the downfall of all humanity.

"Pretending that this is not true, avoiding saying it, is a crime not only against the victims, but also against ourselves, every living Serb, people from Krajina, as well as Serbia and its future", said President Vučić and underlined that people can stand up straight and live with themselves and the others without hesitation, fear and doubt, only if they remember.

President Vučić pointed out that Serbia must fight for peace and cradles with children, as well as that not remembering annuls and erases us from the history and the future, depriving us of the right to tomorrow.

"Our mission is a happy future for us and for the new generations! Today's Serbia is based on a clear identity and a culture of remembrance", said President Vučić and reminded that everything that had been neglected for decades had been done, and that a strong Serbia has become the master of its own destiny.

"Eternal glory to you, Serbian martyrs who perished in the "Storm" and all other pogroms. Your children are in their Serbia, taken care of, loved and successful. Sleep peacefully, Serbian falcons, the future of your children is our vow", concluded President Vučić and thanked everyone who showed that night how much they love their country and that Serbia remembers.

Source: www.predsednik.rs
Photo: www.predsednik.rs

President Vučić: We have decided – our goal is the EU, but China is an important partner

22 July 2021

We have decided – our goal was and remains the EU, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić said in an interview with the German daily "Handelsblatt", adding that there is no alternative for Serbia, but also stressing that China is an important partner for Serbia, and that the task of the state is to take care about the interests of its citizens.

He thus answered the question of what Serbia will choose once it has to choose between close relations with Beijing or the EU. Vučić emphasized that Serbia wants to become a full member of the EU...

Serbia has achieved great success in the field of digitalization

20 July 2021

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia, Ana Brnabić, stated at a gathering dedicated to digitalization and the IT sector, which was held in New York, that since she became Prime Minister, she is most proud of Serbia's success in the field of digitalization...

Tesla Tales Across Time - Nikola Tesla's 165th birthday

Alberta Tesla Wave produced by Nikola Tesla Team Canada in honour of Nikola Tesla's 165th birthday.

Groups participating in this film: 
Nikola Tesla Historical Society of Alberta (NTHSA)
Calgary Tesla Society (CTS)
Nikola Tesla Educational Corporation (NTEC)
Tesla Ambassadors (TA)
Niagara Parks Commission (NPC)
Nikola Tesla Team Canada (NTTC)



5th Anniversary of NTHSA / Alberta’s Tesla Wave
Nikola Tesla Historical Society of Alberta, informally called Alberta Tesla Wave -- Fifth Anniversary reflections in photos.


In honor of Nikola Tesla's 165th birthday, we present a video that highlights some of his accomplishments.



There are conditions for faster development of economic cooperation between Serbia, Canada

15 June 2021

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic talked today with Ambassador of Canada to Serbia, Giles Norman about bilateral relations between the two countries and cooperation in the field of economy, education and digitalization...

Address by the President of the Republic of Serbia at the session of the United Nations Security Council

09. June 2021.

Dear Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, members of the delegations,

I would point to a few ongoing issues in my speech that refer to the competences of the Mechanism, namely, the possibility of serving the sentences passed by the ICTY and Mechanism in the Republic of Serbia, with the current practice of disabling early release of the sentenced persons as well as obligation of the Mechanism regarding protection of sentenced persons.

MIP Selaković potpisao protokol o saradnji sa Ossi - Organizacija srpskih studenata u inostranstvu



4 June, 2021

Vaccination (immunization) in Serbia began on 24 December (earlier than in the majority of European countries). Prime Minister Ana Brnabic received the first vaccine. She was also the first Prime Minister in Europe to receive the vaccine shot.

Serbia was the third country in Europe, after Britain and Switzerland, to start the vaccination. In Serbia, mass vaccination of the population in the fight against Covid-19 launched on 19 January...

A platform for digitized competition intended to co-finance projects

June 1, 2021.

The Administration for cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the region invites associations from the region and diaspora to register on a new online web platform that allows digitalized competition for all future competitions intended to co-finance projects.

https://konkursi.dijaspora.gov.rs (serbian version only)

Ambassador's message on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition on 80 years of diplomatic relations between Belgrade and Ottawa

Маy 31, 2021.

H.E. DEJAN RALEVIC, Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to Canada

Link to watch video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPHXmQ945lw

Marked 80 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Serbia and Canada

May 31, 2021.

State secretary in Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Serbia Nemanja Starovic spoke today at the opening of the exhibition regarding 80 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Republic of Serbia and Canada, in the Archive of Yugoslavia.

Secretary of State Starovic recalled that bilateral relations between Serbia and Canada were established by Decree, signed by King Petar II Karadjordjevic and by opening of the Ministry of Yugoslavia in Ottawa in 1941., adding that our two nations even before formal diplomatic contacts linked equally bright traditions.

Secretary of State Starovic said that relations between Serbia and Canada, established in times of great challenges, when our nations demonstrated courage, unity and solidarity in the fight for preserving common civilization values, speak of our two countries still being true allies today.

The Secretary of State points to the continuous Canadian support for the Serbian process of Euro-integration, noting that Serbia and Canada share awareness about the necessity of preserving peace, stability and security, as well as the vision of prosperity in the Western Balkans.

Starovic expressed confidence that Canada will recognize the efforts of our side in a constructive approach to the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, which is being sponsored by the EU, where we clearly express our commitment to preserving peace and security.

Also, he reflected on the fact that in Canada lives numerous Serbian diaspora, which represents an important integrative element and a direct clamp of our two states.

Starovic concluded that eight decades of diplomatic relations represents the basis for strengthening cooperation, reflected in the solidarity we have shown in the fight against the crisis caused by the pandemic.
At the opening of the exhibition, the director of the Archive of Yugoslavia dr Milan Terzic and the ambassador of Canada in Belgrade Djiles Norman, and the parliamentary secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Canada Robert Olifant, as well as the ambassador of the Republic of Serbia in Ottawa Dejan Ralevic addressed.

Serbia - Canada 80 years

Permanent exhibition in the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Ottawa

80 years of diplomatic relations since its establishment until today in the Archives of Yugoslavia in Belgrade

On this day 80 years ago, by the Decree of King Peter II Karadjordjevic, diplomatic relations between Ottawa and Belgrade were established.

Invitation to the exhibition # BELGRADE - #OTAVA: Diplomatic Relations from Establishment to the Present Day in the Archives of Yugoslavia in Belgrade # 80yearsSRBCAN


Why invest in Serbia



Minister Selaković presented the new e-Consulate service

20 May 2021

A new service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs "e-Consulate" was presented in Belgrade today, intended for foreign citizens who apply for a visa and aspire to come to Serbia to work.

On that occasion, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Nikola Selakovic said that this service was one of the indicators of good development of our country, which, as he pointed out, was becoming a magnet for serious foreign companies, which brought a large number of workers from other countries to work in Serbia...


RAS Web Site - Publications:

Brochure  - RAS Automotive Industry Serbia 20.20

RAS Automotive Industry Serbia 20.20 - Brochure  (pdf)

Why invest in Serbia, brochures of Development Agency of Serbia

RAS Brochures of Development Agency of Serbia (link pdf)  






Welcome to the electronics sector Invest in Serbia. Very attractive and promising for investors:




 (updated: 7 May 2021)

Vaccination (immunization) in Serbia began on 24 December (earlier than in the majority of European countries). Prime Minister Ana Brnabic received the first vaccine. She was also the first Prime Minister in Europe to receive the vaccine shot...

Vaccination of Serbian citizens from the diaspora on May 15. in Belgrade

29. April 2021.

The program for connecting for Serbian diaspora ′′ Point of Return ", with the support of the Office of Information Technology and Electronic Administration of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, provided a special appointment for vaccination of Serbian citizens from the diaspora.

Serbian citizens living abroad will be able to vaccinate themselves on May 15. in Belgrade, and applications for immunization are available on the website of the association Point of Return (Serbian version only) 

Applications are open until Friday, April 30. th at 23.59 pm and everyone who signs up will receive a certificate of vaccination as well as the exact time when it should appear at the Belgrade Fair.
Serbian citizens from the diaspora will be able to choose between vaccines "Fajzer", "Sinofarm" and ′′ Sputnjik Ve ", while receiving the second dose at the Belgrade Fair on June 5.

The call applies exclusively to Serbian citizens living abroad.

Serbian version only:


(updated: 26 April 2021)

Vaccination (immunization) in Serbia began on 24 December (earlier than in the majority of European countries). Prime Minister Ana Brnabic received the first vaccine. She was also the first Prime Minister in Europe to receive the vaccine shot...


(updated: 23 April 2021)

Vaccination (immunization) in Serbia began on 24 December (earlier than in the majority of European countries). Prime Minister Ana Brnabic received the first vaccine. She was also the first Prime Minister in Europe to receive the vaccine shot.

Serbia was the third country in Europe, after Britain and Switzerland, to start the vaccination...

President Vučić met via video link with representatives of the IMF delegation

21st April 2021

President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić talked today via a video link with the representatives of the delegation of the International Monetary Fund led by the Head of the Mission, Jan Kees Martijn. The interlocutors concluded that Serbia's main goal remains to preserve the hard-earned reputation of a fiscally secure country, as well as to continue with a responsible fiscal policy so that public debt does not exceed 60 per cent of GDP, whereby Serbia continues to work on further economic growth...

Meeting with the World Health Organization Regional Director for Europe

20 April, 2021

President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić met today with the Regional Director of the World Health Organisation for Europe Hans Kluge, to discuss cooperation in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as cooperation in improving health care in our country and other joint activities...

WHO describes immunization process in Serbia as impressive

19 April,2021

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic talked today with World Health Organisation (WHO) Regional Director for Europe Hans Kluge about the epidemiological situation and the course of immunization of citizens in Serbia...

Selakovic: Pristina persists in its campaign of hatred against the Serbian people

13 April, 2021

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Nikola Selakovic stated today that Pristina further persisted in its campaign of hatred against the Serbian people, which was most drastically seen in the unfounded accusations of mass rapes and genocide.

At the UN Security Council meeting discussing the Report of the UN Secretary-General on the work of UNMIK, Selakovic emphasized that the efforts of the provisional institutions in Kosovo and Metohija to create a narrative about mass rapes of Albanian women were obvious, and that propaganda methods and lies were used for that purpose...

Selakovic: Political extremism of Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija is becoming stronger

13 April, 2021

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Nikola Selakovic warned, at the United Nations Security Council meeting, that the political extremism among Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija was not decreasing, but on the contrary, was becoming stronger.

At the meeting discussing the Report of the UN Secretary-General on the work of UNMIK, Minister Selakovic recalled that the obligation to form the Community of Serb Municipalities  remained unfulfilled for 2,917 days now and that, in fact, 19 April marked eight full years since the agreement was reached in Brussels, while Pristina still refused to follow up on its commitment and enable the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities...

Sign up for the first online puppet show - Supermouse

In cooperation with our friends from children's theater Lane (Decje Pozoriste Lane) and Serbian educational center, we have prepared for all children around the world another art workshop.
The show will be broadcasted on Zoom platform in two terms: April 17. and April 24.
Send your application to email: srpskiedukativnicentar@gmail.com...

Project “Serbian Kolo”

The Serb National Federation invites Serbs around the world to be a partner in producing the unique project “Serbian Kolo.”


Selaković: Priština persiste à faire sa campagne de haine contre le peuple serbe

Le 13 avril 2021

Le ministre des Affaires étrangères Nikola Selaković a constaté ce soir que Priština persiste à faire sa campagne de haine contre le peuple serbe, ce qui ressort le plus drastiquement en accusations sans arguments de viols massifs et de génocide.

Selaković a souligné, lors de la session du Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU dédiée au rapport du Secrétaire général de l’ONU sur le travail de la MINUK, que les tentatives sont manifestes des institutions intérimaires du Kosovo et Metohija de créer le narratif sur les viols massifs des Albanaises, utilisant à cet effet les méthodes de propagandes et de mensonges.

Selaković: L’extrémisme politique des Albanais au Kosovo et Metohija de plus en plus fort

Le 13 avril 2021

Le Ministre des Affaires étrangères de Serbie Nikola Selaković a averti, lors de la session du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies, que l’extrémisme politique parmi les Albanais du Kosovo et Metohija ne faiblissait pas, au contraire il devenait de plus en plus fort.

Selaković, à la session où a été discuté le rapport du Secrétaire général de l’ONU sur le travail de la MINUK, a rappelé que l’obligation de former l’Association des municipalités serbes n’a pas été remplie il y a 2.917 jours déjà et qu’en fait le 19 avril sera huit ans depuis l’accord fait à Bruxelles, Priština refusant toujours de remplir son obligation et permettre la mise en place de l’Association des municipalités serbes.

On-line application for visa D

The development of the On-line application for D visa is in the final phase and after it is finished, people applying for D Visa based on employment, will be able to fill in the application electronically and attach the necessary documents and proof of payment of the consular fee. This application will facilitate the procedure of submitting the request and contribute to the efficiency of the procedure itself.

Marking the Day of Remembrance of the victims of the NATO aggression - 24 March, 2021

President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic made a statement on the occasion of marking the Day of Remembrance of the victims of the NATO aggression.

"Your Holiness, distinguished Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, distinguished Speakers of the National Assemblies of the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Srpska, distinguished Prime Ministers of the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Srpska, distinguished Ministers of both Governments, dear guests and friends, representatives of the Serbian People from Montenegro, North Macedonia, Croatia, thank you for the fact that we are all together tonight and that the Serbian spirit is unbreakable and invincible.

One child a day and a little more than that. That is the most difficult, sickening and painful number of the NATO aggression from 1999. Killed, stopped, guilty of nothing, having committed no sin, without the right to defence, without the right to justice and without the right to life.

No one has ever been held accountable for this crime, a crime greater than a crime. No one, for the 2,500 killed civilians, but also soldiers and policemen who were only guilty of guarding, protecting themselves and their homes. No one has ever been held accountable for more than 6,000 persons injured.

Even today, 22 years after the aggression, it is not possible to explain that, there is no universal justification, despite all the work done to that end, there is no reason, it makes no sense, and only names remain, as eternal as sin.


Commémoration du Jour du Souvenir des victimes de l'agression de l'OTAN

Le Président de la République de Serbie Aleksandar Vučić s'est adressé à l'occasion de la commémoration du Jour du Souvenir des victimes de l'agression de l'OTAN

"Votre Sainteté, Honorable Président de la Présidence de Bosnie-Herzégovine,Honorables  Présidents des Assemblées nationales de la République de Serbie et de la République Srpska, Honorables Présidents des gouvernements de la République de Serbie et de la République Srpska, Honorables Ministres des deux gouvernements, Chers invités et amis, représentants du peule serbe du Monténégro, Macédoine du Nord, Croatie, merci d'être ici tous ensemble ce soir encore et parce que le peuple serbe est inébranlable et invincible.

Un enfant par jour et un peu plus. C'est le chiffre le plus lourd, le plus difficile et le plus douloureux de l'agression de l'OTAN de 1999. Tués, stoppés, innocents, ils n'avaient commis aucun crime, sans droit à la défense, sans droit à la justice, sans droit à la vie.

Personne n'a jamais été tenu responsable pour ce crime, crime plus grand que le crime. Personne pour 2500 civiles tués, mais aussi des militaires et des policiers coupables seulement d'avoir gardé, protégé eux-mêmes et leurs foyers. Personne n'a jamais été tenu responsable pour plus de 6000 blessés.

Ce n'est pas possible de l'expliquer même aujourd'hui, 22 ans après l'agression, il n'y a pas, malgré les efforts, de justification universelle, pas de raison, pas de sens, il ne reste que des noms en guise du péché éternel.


22nd anniversary of the beginning of the NATO aggression against Yugoslavia 24.3.-10.6.1999

Today is the first day of the saddest days that Serbia (at that time still in Yugoslavia) went through. No justification for this act of NATO and its members that took part in “Merciful angel” (?!)

Today we mark the 22nd anniversary of the beginning of the NATO aggression against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
Forgive but never forget.

VIdeo: https://twitter.com/MFASerbia/status/1374636101701361670

La République de Serbie au Mois de la Francophonie

La République de Serbie en qualité de membre associé à l'OIF, de concert avec toute la communauté francophone dans le monde entier, célèbre le Mois de la Francophonie. Pour tous les amateurs de la culture serbe et de la langue française, le Ministère de la Culture et de l'Information de la République de Serbie a préparé un vaste programme et L’Ambassade de la République de Serbie à Ottawa vous invite à découvrir la diversité et la richesse de la culture serbe en français.


Serbia in the Month of Francophonie

The Republic of Serbia as an associate member of the International Organization of Francophonie (OIF), together with the entire French-speaking community around the World, celebrates the Month of Francophonie (le Mois de la Francophonie). For all lovers of Serbian culture and the French language, the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia has prepared an extensive program and the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Ottawa invites you to discover the diversity and richness of Serbian culture in French. 

Selakovic: Fight against all forms of crime is a priority of the Serbian Government

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Nikola Selakovic said today that the fight against all forms of crime was a top priority of the Serbian Government and an integral part of the EU accession process.

"It is also our moral duty, in order to leave a better world for the generations to come", Selakovic said participating via video-link at the 14th UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, held in Kyoto.  

Minister Selakovic emphasized that Serbia, in its Second Serious and Organized Crime Threat Assessment from 2019, identified as its goal to eliminate cybercrime, human trafficking, terrorism and irregular migration.

The Serbian Foreign Minister pointed out that our country had established in a timely manner a normative and institutional framework that regulates prevention of abuse in this area, as well as that the Office of the Special Prosecutor for Cybercrime, a special court department and a special police unit were established.

The Minister underlined that, in the field of the fight against corruption, Serbia was guided by the postulates set out in the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the UN Convention against Corruption.

Selakovic pointed out the efforts made by the Anti-Corruption Agency, as an independent state body, to protect the public interest, build individual and institutional integrity, strengthen transparency and accountability of the public administration.

"We strongly condemn all forms of terrorism, including extremism and radicalism, and call for them to be fully eradicated, while implementing the relevant UN resolutions and conventions and the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy", the Head of Serbian diplomacy underscored.

In order to combat these complex phenomena efficiently and successfully, Selakovic said, it was of vital importance to build capacities of our societies and states, while exchanging experiences at the regional and global levels.

Minister Selakovic thanked Japanese Ambassador Hikihara for the skill he showed in conducting the talks on harmonizing and adopting the Kyoto Declaration, which, as he stressed, was an important indicator of the commitment to creating and maintaining the institutional framework for crime prevention as one of the main preconditions for promoting sustainable development goals.

"Back in 1970 when Japan hosted this event for the first time, we demonstrated strong political will to draw attention to the problem. Today, it is incumbent upon us to reaffirm this willingness and resolve and translate it into concrete steps", the Serbian Foreign Minister said.

8 March 2021


Promotion of the Republic of Serbia as a favorable destination for business and investment

More details >>>


Happy International Mother Language Day

The Directorate for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the region is launching a campaign for the preservation of the Serbian language, on the occasion of the International Mother Language Day, February 21.


Metropolitan Porfirije of Zagreb and Ljubljana elected as the new Patriarch of Serbia

The Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church elected His Eminence Metropolitan Porfirije of Zagreb-Ljubljana, PhD, as the new Serbian Patriarch, in its convocation in Memorial Cathedral of Saint Sava in Belgrade on 18 February 2021.

Immediately after the election a thanksgiving service was officiated and Many Years was chanted to the Archbishop of Pec, Metropolitan of Belgrade-Karlovci and Serbian Patriarch Porfirije. Bells at Saint Sava Cathedral in the Vracar district of Belgrade rang a few minutes before 4:00 pm indicating that the 46th Patriarch of Serbia was elected.

Newly-elected Archbishop of Pec, Metropolitan of Belgrade-Karlovci and Serbian Patriarch Porfirije (Peric) was born on 22 July 1961 in Becej, to father Radivoje and Mother Radojka. He was baptized as Prvoslav. He finished primary school in Curug, and the “Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj” Grammar School in Novi Sad. He was ordained a monk according to the rite of small schime by his spiritual father, then hieromonk Dr. Irinej (Bulovic), at Decani Monastery on Sunday of St. Thomas in 1985.

He graduated from the Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Belgrade in 1986, when the then Bishop of Raska-Prizren Diocese, future Serbian Patriarch Pavle of blessed memory, ordained him a hierodeacon at the monastery of Holy Trinity in Musutiste.


President Vučić receives credentials of the newly appointed Ambassador of Canada

President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić received today the letters of credence from the newly appointed Ambassador of Canada, Giles Norman, and welcomed him emphasising that he takes office in Belgrade in the year when Serbia and Canada mark a significant jubilee - 80 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations.

President Vučić and Ambassador Norman stated that the jubilee is both an opportunity to strengthen political dialogue and an incentive to develop partnership and Serbian-Canadian ties in all areas.

President Vučić expressed satisfaction that Canadian investments are on the rise because that means that the Serbian market has proven to be a good place to invest. He expressed hope that, in addition to mining and energy, other economic areas will be of interest to Canadian business people. He also said that in Serbia we could use Canada's experience in environmental protection.

The two interlocutors expressed hope that a direct airline between Belgrade and Toronto would be opened soon, which would contribute not only to the improvement of economic relations but also to a better connection between Serbia and Canada's citizens. On that occasion, they pointed out that the Serbian community, which lives on Canadian soil, represents an important bridge between the two countries.

President Vučić also expressed gratitude for the support that Canada provides to Serbia's European path, emphasising that our country is seriously approaching reforms, especially in the area of the rule of law.

Ambassador Norman welcomed Serbia's commitment to a solution to the Kosovo and Metohija issue through dialogue.

Ambassador Norman expressed respect for how the Serbian authorities are successfully responding to the challenges of the pandemic. He also informed President Vučić about the plans for the production of the vaccine developed by Canadian experts.

17th February 2021

Video message of the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia on the occasion of the Statehood Day

Embassy of the Republic of Serbia Ottawa -Youtube: https://www.youtube.com

Embassy of the Republic of Serbia Ottawa -Twitter: https://twitter.com/SRBinCanada

Illumination of Niagara Falls in the colors of the Serbian tricolor - Serbian Statehood Day

Niagara Falls live CAM on February 15, 2021 at 22:00 pm


Happy Statehood Day of the Republic of Serbia!

Message from The Ministery of Foreign Affairs for the Statehood Day of the Republic of Serbia!


President Vucic: Serbia is ready for dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija, but will refuse being humiliated

President of the Republic and Supreme Commander of the Serbian Army Aleksandar Vucic attended a demonstration of capabilities of one part of Serbian Army units in the "Rastko Nemanjić" barracks in Pancevo. On this occasion, President Vucic stated that Serbia was ready to continue the EU-facilitated dialogue with Pristina at any point, while respecting also the position of the United States as well as the positions of Russia and China.   

The President said that he would rather put his "head on the chopping block" than sign any document with a recognition and reminded that he had already once refused to do so in Washington, where there were two versions of the agreement.

He stated that he immediately had his delegation leave the meeting, that he told the U.S. delegation that Serbia would not sign such an agreement, while conveying that Serbia would always endeavour to hold peaceful talks in order to preserve peace, but that it would not take any humiliation.



Minister Selakovic speaks for Politika: The year of rejuvenation of Serbian diplomacy

Serbia's foreign policy positions are naturally being adjusted to the new developments at the international level, but our foreign policy priorities have not changed in a long time. Our top and most important interest is to preserve good-neighbourly relations and stability and peace in the region and, in the same context, to find a peaceful and just solution to the problems in Kosovo and Metohija, Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic said in an interview with Politika daily.

Another lasting interest of ours is full membership of the European Union, because this is the type of society we strive for. At the bilateral level, our goal is to strengthen ties with traditional friends, the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China, but also to build new partner relations with the United States. One of the most important tasks of our foreign policy is to improve the position and protect the rights and identity of our people in the region, as well as to provide various types of support to Serbs in the diaspora. All these are very important and more often than not complementary goals, Nikola Selakovic pointed out.


The competition for co-financing a project in the field of translating representative works of Serbian literature abroad in 2021

The Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia has announced a competition for co-financing a project in the field of translating representative works of Serbian literature abroad in 2021, which will be open from January 19 to March 9, 2021. You can read about the details at the following link:



President Vucic: Serbia is the first in Europe in terms of growth

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic pointed out that Serbia is the first in Europe in terms of economic growth, which will be officially confirmed at the end of March, and that this was possible owing to the reform measures taken since 2014 and the rapid opening of the country after the first wave of corona virus.

The President pointed out that Serbia had a growth of 5.2 percent in the first quarter, while the Eurozone was at minus 3.2 percent, in the second quarter Serbia had a growth of minus 6.3 percent, while the Eurozone was at minus 14.7 percent, and in the third quarter, when the Eurozone was at minus 4.3 percent, Serbia's figure was only minus 1.4 percent. Vucic stated that Montenegro, for example, recorded as much as 26 percent minus in the third quarter.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia wishes you a Happy New Year


Every Serb in the diaspora is potentially a lobbyist

Our compatriots living abroad are one of the great potentials that the state has not recognized in the right way so far, which is why a different approach is needed to the issue of how to strengthen our diaspora and use the good will of people who are potential lobbyists for the interests of Serbia and the Serbian people, Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic said.

"When it comes to Serbs in the diaspora, and especially in the region, this issue has been a kind of an unattended crop which requires a lot of work, and even when a lot is done at once this is not apparent immediately ", Minister Selakovic stated in an interview with Tanjug.

He emphasized that the appointment of the Director of the Office for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region for the first time after almost seven years since this body was formed within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, shows that it is one of the priorities of the Ministry he is at the helm of.

Selaković notes that intensive efforts have been long underway on forming a plan to make the diaspora more visible both outside the borders of Serbia and in the mother country itself.

"Every person in the diaspora is a potential lobbyist for the interests of our country and people, and we need to find the right way to use that", he said.

That much can be done in that regar Selakovic illustrates with the fact that only in Switzerland, in 24 cities, there are Serbian cultural and artistic associations which amounts to more than 3,000 young people who get together in order to preserve our tradition, culture, the Serbian language and history.

"If they were able to set up such associations in 24 cities, it speaks volumes about the enthusiasm of these people. There is so much enthusiasm, energy and love in these people. We need to explore ways to help them and use their good will and potential", the Minister points out.

He also cites the example of an emigrant family in Canada, the Varaklic family from southwestern Serbia, who sends Christmas packages for children in the Raska region every year. He adds that they have so far donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to non-governmental organizations for those needs alone, but he says that we do not see that here.

"The state does not recognize this, and these are people who gained success as entrepreneurs working in a distant country, who can be serious lobbyists for Serbia, for Serbian interests, someone who represents us in the best possible way", Minister Selakovic said.

Minister Selakovic also pointed out that Arnaud Gouillon has been appointed as head of the Office for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region and described him as a man of extraordinary energy, great love for the Serbian people, which he showed in his engagement towards Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, where they were seriously endangered.

"By doing so, he showed and set an example to many of our compatriots of what an individual can do. And when one such individual focuses energy, enthusiasm and love for people, on work done within the state administration system, I think that the preconditions have been created for such activities to yield good results", Minister Selakovic said.

Minister Selakovic: New ambassadors will be appointed this year, but the goals remain the same

This year, Serbia could finally have Ambassadors and Consuls General appointed to about a third of the currently vacant positions in the country's diplomatic and consular missions in the world, and Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikola Selakovic is convinced that most of these positions will be filled, as he points out, by the best possible people.

"In the next year, I am convinced that the majority of these vacancies will be filled", Selakovic told Tanjug, emphasizing that the work is being done gradually, because the state wants to show that is has a quality staff who will represent Serbia's interests in the best possible way.

The Head of Serbian diplomacy reminded that in a number of diplomatic missions, the four-year mandate of Ambassadors and Consuls General has already expired, so that the procedure for appointing new ones will follow, after their recall.

One of the "vacant" spots is the post of the Serbian Ambassador to China.

"We are working hard to find the best possible solution for our new Ambassador to China and as we appointed one of the best people in the state system as Ambassador to the United States, who, I am sure, will perform his duties in the best possible way, I am convinced that it will be the same for the Ambassador in Beijing", Selakovic said.

The Minister, who took over the foreign policy sector in the Government a little over two months ago, points out that circumstances in the world, as well as Serbia's position in it, have changed, but that Serbia's foreign policy goals do not change: the country remains strategically committed to European integration and, while pursuing the EU path, it will also strengthen traditional friendships with Russia and China, as well as promote and strengthen new partner relations with the United States.

"Relations in the region, good-neighborly relations, regional cooperation are also important for Serbia, because this fits into the set of requirements on the European path. But, even regardless of the European path, it is always important who you live next to, who you live with, what your neighbors are like and what the relations are like in the neighborhood", Minister Selakovic said.

He also points out that the issue of Kosovo and Metohija is of inestimable importance, it being the main national and state issue for Serbia and the Serbian people.

"When I say that circumstances are changing, but not the goals - the EU and European integration was our goal seven years ago as well, but look at what our room for maneuver was then, in terms of economic aspects, and look at it today. Circumstances changed, and then you adjust your actions to these changed circumstances, to the best extent possible", Minister Selakovic said.

He reminds that foreign policy priorities for 2021 were also outlined by the President of the Republic, and that maintaining peace and stability in the region is the absolute priority.

"Only in a peaceful and stable region of the Western Balkans and Southeast Europe can Serbia thrive economically, culturally and scientifically - in every respect. Peace and stability in the region  are “sine qua non” without which there is no development and progress. Serbia has acted, is acting and will act as a factor that stabilizes the entire region and maintains peace in the region, showing that it is the region that benefits everyone the most", Minister Selakovic said.

Relations in the region have always been complex, and the region, Minister Selakovic noted, is to our great regret, burdened with issues that we cannot have a bearing on, and which concern
the past.

Serbia's approach is to seek room to influence what is happening today and what will happen
happen in the future.

In this context, he states that the so-called "mini-Schengen" initiative for market unification of the region, which originated from Aleksandar Vucic and was met with a positive response from the Prime Ministers of Albania and North Macedonia, is one of the opportunities to do much more for the region.

"To show how much more we can do if we act together and if we seek our common denominators, and not what separates and divides us ", Selakovic points out.

When it comes to relations with the United States, Selakovic said that one should not expect the great powers to change their positions the way we would like, want or imagine, but that it is important that the Ambassador in Washington, Marko Djuric, also emphasized that his task, among other things, will be to make efforts to change the climate in bilateral relations with the United States - the most important country in the world, as our lacking communication with them in the past seriously affected the position of the Serbian people and Serbia.

"I am convinced that Djuric will work seriously on that, together with President Vucic, Prime Minister Brnabic and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and contribute to a large extent to changing that climate", Minister Selakovic said.

He points out that it is extremely important for Serbia to promote its partner relations with the United States to a higher level.

"This is a country with which we cooperate closely in many areas and a country with which we must strive, and not give up in doing so, to find what we have in common, our common ground and good examples of our cooperation in the past, and to create space for such cooperation in the future as well", Minister Selakovic concluded.

President Vucic: Serbia to remain on the course of a winning policy of stability


Preservation of peace, taking care of the health and better living standard are key for Serbia in 2021, underlined President of the Republic Aleksandar Vucic, convinced that even though the completion of this ambitious and by no means easy task will be anything but straightforward, best results can be achieved by working in concert with the Government, while ensuring security and a future of certainty for the citizens.

The President said that Serbia has set for itself great and ambitious goals for the next year, notwithstanding the complex international and regional circumstances, and that it will endeavour to fully preserve peace and stability in the region and the country, while safeguarding the vital national and state interests.

"Serbia will remain on the course of a winning policy - the policy of stability", President Vucic said and stressed that our country remains on the European integration path and that it will carefully foster its friendship with Russia and China, while building a friendship with the United States as well.

According to the President, Serbia will continue to pursue a winning policy, with the country itself as a top priority, i.e., a policy that will enable Serbia to continue being one of the top three countries in Europe in terms of growth rate in the next two years.

A precondition for that, the President noted, is to crack down on criminal groups, but also to ensure even bigger investments in the police and army forces.

"Serbia is the country that recorded the highest growth in Europe in 2020", the President pointed out at the annual press conference and added that he expects to conclude a new arrangement with the IMF, as well as that Serbia, by the end of next year or early 2022, will raise its credit rating to an "investment" one, which will put our country's rating on par with the most developed EU countries.

As the greatest success in 2020, Vucic noted that Serbia will end the year with the highest growth rate in Europe, which, as he said, is expected to be from minus 0.75 percent to minus one.

"I am proud to be the President of a country that is the European champion in terms of GDP",  Vucic pointed out and added that German Chancellor Angela Merkel was also pleased with Serbia's success.

According to President Vucic, this result will encourage Serbia to accelerate its European path, while continuing friendships with those who did not turn their backs on Serbia when it was at its darkest hour, namely Russia and China.

The President pointed out that the activities to attract foreign investors will continue, then that work will be done on investments in agriculture, primarily the food industry, new machinery, and digitalization of agriculture.

President Vucic also emphasized that the goal is for salaries in the public sector to average between 560 and 570 euros by the end of the year. Only in Belgrade, the average salary would be around 700 euros. 

President Vucic reminded that the salaries of health care workers will increase by five percent from January 1, while the salaries of others in the public sector will increase by 3.5 percent and an additional 1.5 percent as of April 1, while corporal, private first class and non-commissioned officer army ranks will get an increase of an additional 10 percent. He noted that the minimum wage will be increased by 6.6 percent and so will pensions from January 1, by 5.9 percent, with the plan that the average pension amounts to 270 euros by the end of 2021. The President especially pointed out investments in health care, reminding that two new covid hospitals have been opened and that the renovation and construction of health facilities continues throughout Serbia, while stressing that Serbia is by far the first in the region in terms of hospitalized persons per 100,000 citizens, which is why it has recorded a low mortality rate , and also that Serbia this year has been among the top three countries in the region according to the number of PCR tests performed.

Speaking about tourism, the President said that, next year, efforts will be made on the development of the Danube basin region, from Apatin to Kladovo, that the Ovcar-Kablar Gorge will be developed, as well as our mountain centers.

Discussing the field of culture and information, President Vucic said that the implementation of the media strategy and the completion of the reconstruction of the National Theater in Subotica are important for next year, and he announced investments in museums, especially emphasizing the relocation of the History Museum to the train station building. He also stated that the floor heating in the Church of Saint Sava will be completed next year.

He pointed out that the state will continue to take care of our citizens in Kosovo and Metohija, that no one can forbid Serbia to help its people, and that Serbia will not give up on helping our people.

As he emphasized, Serbia is ready to send medicines and vaccines to the Albanian population as well, and pointed out that in the upcoming period our country will pursue a policy of peace in the region and will endeavour to cooperate with Zagreb, Sarajevo, Podgorica and others.

The Prime Minister of Serbia is the first European Prime Minister to receive the anti-covid vaccine Belgrade, December 24, 2020

Today, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia, Ana Brnabić, received the first vaccine against the coronavirus of the company "Pfizer" at the Institute for Virology, Vaccines and Serums "Torlak".

Brnabic, who is the first European Prime Minister to receive the vaccine, pointed out that today may be the first day since March 6 to have a reason to smile because it marks the beginning of the end of the pandemic in Serbia, but also in Europe and the world.

As the Prime Minister and someone who leads the Crisis Staff for the Protection of Public Health from COVID-19, I felt obliged to be the first to receive the vaccine to show that we believe in it, but also in our institutions - the Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices of Serbia and experts who worked day and night to check the vaccine, she said.

The Prime Minister, emphasizing that she is honored to do something like this for the country and to be the first to open the way for all citizens, conveyed that she reached an agreement with the President of the Republic Aleksandar Vučić on the two of them receiving different vaccines, and he will most likely receive the next one to arrive, most likely Chinese.

According to her, at this moment we have the vaccine of the "Pfizer-Biontek" consortium, and those from the Chinese "Sinofarm" are expected in the near future, as well as certain quantities of the Russian "Sputnik V".

She expressed her belief that at the end of the first quarter or the beginning of the second, we will have the vaccine of the company "Astra-Zeneka", and after that the "Modernina".

As we promised, citizens will have at their disposal all vaccines that have permits in their countries and approvals of relevant international agencies, and of course all our agencies and institutes will pass, the Prime Minister pointed out.

According to her, before the start of vaccination of health workers, the vaccine will be received by the Minister of Health, Zlatibor Lončar, because we are trying to be an example and show that we are safe in vaccines and institutions.

Brnabic pointed out that Serbia, not counting Great Britain, is the first country in Europe to receive the "Pfizer-Biontek" vaccine, and the third to start mass immunization and a campaign for giving the vaccine - after Great Britain and Switzerland.

We have done a great thing and we will not stop at any moment until the immunization of the population is completed, the Prime Minister said.

She specified that our country will receive another 16,000 doses of vaccine from the "Pfizer-Biontek" consortium in January, as well as that together with other vaccines we will have a total of one million doses in January, and a total of approximately two million doses during the first quarter.

We have the dynamics of deliveries of "Pfizer" vaccines and as their production varies, so does the delivery not only to Serbia, but also to all countries of the world. We expected 10,000 doses from "Pfizer-Biontek" in December, and 4,870 doses arrived, the Prime Minister explained.

"Serbia has shown that it can fight and succeed in that if everyone works as a team," Brnabic said, and still appealed to everyone not to understand the beginning of vaccination as if the fight was over immediately, but to continue to respect all measures.

Let's be safe and help health workers, so in 2021 we will slowly take off our masks when immunity is gained, and until then we should see this not as a victory, but as the beginning of the end, the Prime Minister concluded.

After the Prime Minister, the vaccine was received by the Minister of Labor, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs and a member of the Crisis Staff for the Protection of Public Health from Infectious Diseases COVID-19 Darija Kisić Tepavčević, as well as a member of the Crisis Staff Predrag Kon.

The vaccine was received by an epidemiologist and the head of the Department for Prevention and Control of Nosocomial Infections of the Military Medical Academy, Prof. Dr. Vesna Šuljagić, as well as academician Predrag Peško, professor at the Universities of Belgrade and Heidelberg and a regular member of SANU.

The first quantities of the vaccine arrived in Serbia on December 22, and today they will be received by the users of old people's homes in Belgrade and Novi Sad.

Serbia is the first country in the region to receive the "Pfizer-Biontek" vaccine.

In addition to the procurement of vaccines among the first countries in the world, even before the EU countries, Serbia is one of the few countries that built and opened two Kovid hospitals in record time. Hospitals with a capacity of 930 places in Batajnica, ie 500 places in Krusevac, greatly contribute to increasing the capacity and strengthening the health system in the fight against the corona virus and practically, according to President Vučić, represent a monument of the future and speak of actions taken by the state in a short time.

Also, as a reminder, investments in health infrastructure in Serbia were large, and since 2016, 80 health centers and dispensaries have been renovated, and work is underway on six large health centers. Thus, more than 200 million euros have been invested in the renovation, construction and equipping of hospitals and more than 300 million in the renovation of clinics and specialized hospitals, and many works have already been completed, such as the University Children's Clinic Tirsova, KBC Zemun, KBC "Dragisa Misovic" .

The absolute priority of the Government of Serbia is the successful completion of the started health infrastructure projects, but great attention is also paid to health workers, whose salaries have been increased by 2020 by 56.8% to specialist doctors, 66.9% nurses, and significant funds are invested in the education of health personnel, as well as in the equipment and conditions in which they work.

Like other countries, Serbia faced great challenges this year, primarily health, and all factors in the country were focused on preventing the spread of the virus and preserving the lives and health of citizens. Serbia has faced these challenges better than many richer and more developed countries in Europe and the world.



The Ministry of Foreign Affairs denies the allegations of some domestic media that Serbian citizens on temporary work abroad will be obliged to pay taxes on income earned by foreign employers, not only in the country of temporary residence, but also in Serbia.

We believe that the catastrophically intoned texts, based on insufficiently researched facts, on a topic that most directly concerns a large number of citizens of the Republic of Serbia abroad, unreasonably create concern among our citizens, which can be concluded from the increased number of their inquiries to diplomatic and consular missions of Serbia.

We appeal to the residents of Serbia who are temporarily abroad not to pay attention to incorrect sensationally intoned texts on this topic, because, when it comes to taxation procedures for that category of our citizens, nothing will fundamentally change in relation to the previous practice.

In the hope that behind the irresponsible and inaccurate media articles on this topic, there is no evil intention, but misunderstanding, we emphasize that Serbia is doing and will continue to do everything to help its diaspora in every way.

Cyrillic version:


New anti-epidemic measures in force from 20 December

December 15, 2020

Today, the government of the Republic of Serbia adopted new measures proposed by the COVID-19 crisis response team at yesterday's session, which will take effect on Sunday, 20 December.

The new measures refer to the entry of both domestic and foreign citizens into our country. Bearing in mind the New Year's and Christmas holidays, a traditionally higher frequency of people is expected at all border crossings.

In order to prevent the spread of coronavirus, early detection of infected persons and protection of the health of all residents of Serbia, the government has adopted the following measures:

Entry into Serbia will be allowed only with a negative PCR test, not older than 48 hours. Citizens of Serbia, who do not have a negative PCR test, must be in home isolation for 10 days. They can be tested in Serbia and if their PCR test is negative, they will no longer be required to be in home isolation.

The price of testing on personal request for foreign citizens from today is RSD 18,000, while for citizens of Serbia the price is unchanged until the end of the year and it is RSD 6,000. From 1 January 2021, the price of testing on personal request for domestic citizens will be RSD 9,000.

The government of Serbia appeals to all citizens who want to be tested on a personal request to schedule testing exclusively electronically. In line with the increased number of on-demand tests expected in the coming weeks, electronic scheduling is a valuable help, in order to avoid crowds and queues in front of COVID clinics and prevent the risk of potentially infecting citizens.

Citizens, foreign citizens with approved residence in our country, as well as foreign citizens without approved residence (tourists), can easily and quickly schedule an appointment in one of 26 laboratories in 23 cities and municipalities in Serbia at eGovernment - https://euprava.gov.rs/usluge/6096.

In order to use the eSchedule service for PCR testing on personal request, it is not necessary for citizens to register on the eGovernment portal. You will receive a confirmation that you have successfully scheduled an appointment by the e-mail you provided, as well as an SMS message.



Online Toronto Serbian Film Festival December 17-27th, 2020


Tenth Media Conference of the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region on December 29, 2020. December 9, 2020

The Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS), with the support of the Directorate for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, organized the Tenth Media Conference of the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region on December 29, 2020.

Due to the KOVID 19 pandemic, the conference will be held through ZOOM application. The topic of the Tenth Conference will be the work of the media, organizations and associations of Serbs from the region and the diaspora during the pandemic caused by the KOVID 19 virus, as well as whether and how the pandemic affected the quality of work and economic sustainability of media activities in the diaspora and region.

The second part of the Conference will present the UNS website www.umrezavanje.rs launched on the occasion of the Tenth Jubilee Conference, with the idea of ​​representing a platform for networking media and organizations of Serbs from the region and the diaspora with their home country.

Applications for participation in the conference of interested representatives of the media, associations and organizations can be sent to the e-mail address ana.petronijevic@uns.rs until December 17 this year.



On the occasion of December 10, the International Human Rights Day, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia expresses again it`s commitment to the achievements and values ​​of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted on the same day as today, 1948.

The principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights were a principal base for the international law in this area, as well as international systemic promotion and protection of human rights, as a unique civilization achievement of modern times. Our obligation today is the best preservation and strengthening of the international system for the preservation of human rights, the development of human rights standards, control over the implementation of the undertaken obligations, as well as cooperation with international and regional institutions on issue of the human rights.

Serbia is fully committed to the universal values ​​of human rights and practical implementation it`s instruments. Our continuous cooperation with the implemetation of it`s instruments of the Human Rights Council within the United Nations, as well as with the Council of Europe and the mechanisms of the human dimension of the OSCE, represents the effect of the activities of all state institutions and illustrates our decision-making process for the fullfilment of all standards of the human rights.

International Human Rights Day is an occasion to once again point out the disenfranchisement of the Serb and other non-Albanian populations in Kosovo and Metohija and reiterate the call to the international community to respect guaranteed international human rights norms and contribute to creating conditions for the return of internally displaced persons and their property.

Book of Condolences

Following the passing away of His Holiness the Archbishop of Peć, Metropolitan of Belgrade and Karlovci and Serbian Patriarch Irinej, a virtual Book of Condolences has been opened by the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Ottawa.


Serbian Patriarch Irinej reposed in the Lord

His Holiness Patriarch Irinej of Serbia passed away. Church bells tolled in Belgrade and many people flocked to the capital's main SaintSava cathedral to mark his death at the age of 90, a decade after becoming Patriarch.

Official web site: http://www.spc.rs

Remembrance Day - Laying of the wreath

Members of the Embassy of Serbia in Canada laying of the wreath on the occasion of the Remembrance Day - Marko Markovic, First Counselor, H.E. Dejan Ralevic, Ambassador and Jelena Srdanovic-Dzelebdzic, Consul, November 11, 2020 in Ottawa

Video - Twetter


In order to prevent the spread of the COVID 19 virus, the Canadian government has adopted new protective measures concerning passengers in international traffic.
As of November 21, 2020, all air passengers whose final destination is Canada will be required to provide appropriate travel information, contact, and a self-isolation plan for 14 days before they board their flight, through the "ArriveCAN" application, which is available as a mobile application or signing online, as a secure and easy way introduced to help passengers comply with these border measures.

Passengers entering Canada by land or overseas from November 21, 2020, must provide certain information through the said application. Within 48 hours of arrival in Canada, all passengers are required to confirm that they have arrived at the place of quarantine or isolation, and must complete daily self-assessment of COVID 19 symptoms for a period of 14 days.
Penalties for non-compliance with measures range from verbal warnings to a fine of C $ 1,000.

SERBIA - Emerging tech development hub







Да не заборавимо! Lest we forget! Da ne zaboravimo!

DECISION on co-financing of projects for the Diaspora, July 8, 2020

Decision on co-financing of projects whose quality contributes to the preservation and strengthening of ties between the home country and the diaspora:

https://www.dijaspora.gov.rs/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/odluka-dijaspora-2020-postpisana.pdf (serbian)


We would like to inform you that the elections for members of parliament of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia will not be organized at the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Ottawa, since the condition from Article 52 of the Law on Elections of Members of Parliament of the Republic of Serbia, which provides that at least 100 persons with the right to vote needs to register for voting, was not met.

Serbia has opened borders to foreigners without restrictions, dropping a requirement to submit a coronavirus test or undergo a quarantine.

The new regulation is due to come in effect on May 22nd, 2020.




Air Serbia has launched repatriation flights to Serbia. These are special flights that will be organized on an ad-hoc basis for the purpose of returning our citizens to the Republic of Serbia and which will be performed with payment of compensation. AirSerbia has launched a dedicated Repatriation website on its website where interested travelers can get more information on flight dates, fares and travel conditions.

Interested travelers can apply by sending a completed form and a scanned first page of their passport to repatriation@airserbia.com The registration form can be found at www.airserbia.com/informacije/letovi/repatrijacije. We emphasize that these are not flights within the regular traffic of the company, but rather special flights that are subject to special conditions of carriage.

All our citizens interested in these flights MUST contact this Embassy in order to obtain special permit for transit from Canada to Serbia without which will not be possible to board an overseas flight.

Currently, flights from Paris, Frankfurt, Vienna and Zurich to Belgrade are planned for:

  • Paris, May 11 (price 295 EUR)
  • Frankfurt, 12 May (price 255 EUR)
  • Vienna May 13 (price 155 EUR)
  • Frankfurt May 14 (price 255 EUR)
  • Zurich May 15 (price 225 EUR)

All prices include taxes.

Please note the following:

  • Air Serbia is entitled to delay the flight by up to 48 hours from the scheduled travel date to accommodate enough passengers.
  • Passengers will be informed of the exact time of flight no later than 24 hours before the start of the trip
  • Funds paid are not refundable. Refunding of paid funds is only possible in case the flight does not occur the planned date, ie no later than 48 hours from the planned date of travel.
  • According to current information, citizens of the Republic of Serbia as well as foreign nationals with permanent or temporary residence in the Republic of Serbia are allowed to enter Serbia.
  • Passengers have the option of carrying one hand luggage up to 8 kg and one luggage up to 23 kg. Extra luggage of 23 kg is charged EUR 50.
  • Tickets are purchased after sending the registration form and the first page of the passport exclusively through the AirSerbia Contact Center.
  • Unused scheduled flights tickets for the flights that have been canceled for COVID-19 reasons cannot be used on this flight.
  • All passengers will receive pre-flight protective masks provided by AirSerbia Passengers must wear masks during the flight for health care purposes.

For any additional information, passengers can call the following phone numbers:

  • for calls from France: +33 1 78900459
  • for calls from Germany: +49 69 20756
  • for calls from Austria: +43 720 775338
  • for calls from Serbia: +381 11 3112123

Please note that travelers must make themselves familiar with the possibility of entry into the countries mentioned above, as well as of the health conditions applicable upon arrival.



Due to the outbreak of the CORONA virus, all biometric passport acquisitions in the Embassy of Serbia in Ottawa are suspended until further notice.

In case of an emergency, and for all other inquires, before you come, please contact us at the following e-mail:


Thank you for your understanding and cooperation



Considering the large number of calls and proposals for the provision of humanitarian aid and for sending various donations to combat COVID-19, the Government of the Republic of Serbia has opened a special e-mail and phone numbers for all questions and proposals on donations, as well as official donation accounts.

Anyone wishing to provide humanitarian assistance or have questions regarding assistance needs can contact ironfriendship@gov.rs and telephone +381 64 8350 478 and +381 11 292 7499.





The point of return is a platform whose mission is to provide the Serbian diaspora with information on all ways of contacting Serbia, as well as assistance and circulation of information for individuals who wish to return to the country.

More information at https://tackapovratka.rs/



Ministry of Culture and Information has set up new sites for the population in the Republic of Serbia and abroad in the field of culture titled - Coronavirus: Digitization to Support Citizens and the Economy

http://kultura.gov.rs/lat/aktuelnosti/   (serbian version)

Digital solidarity:



The Cultural Heritage Browser:






March 19th, 2020


For the latest information on closure of the Nikola Tesla International Airport in Belgrade and other measures taken buy the Government of the Republic of Serbia in order to  prevent coronavirus - COVID - 19 pandemic, please click  on the links below:



March 16th, 2020


Тhe Government of the Republic of Serbia at its session held on 15.03.2020. Adopted a Decision amending the Decision on the declaration of COVID-19 disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 infectious disease, item 4 of the Decision, with the aim of preventing the spread of this infectious disease on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, respectively, to protect against the introduction of infectious diseases into the territory of the Republic Serbia, the competent authorities of the Republic of Serbia shall temporarily prohibit the entry into the Republic of Serbia of all foreign nationals.

This measure will not apply to:
1) crews of freight motor vehicles when carrying out international road transport. In the case of international transit carriage of goods by road, it shall be limited to a period not exceeding 12 hours from the moment of entry into the territory of R. Serbia;
2) crews of cargo ships transporting goods to one of the domestic ports. In the case of transit navigation on an international waterway in the territory of R. Serbia, the same is limited to a period not exceeding 90 hours for ships and 60 hours for self-propelled navigation from the moment of entry into the territory of R. Serbia in the case of upstream navigation, ie for a period not exceeding 72 hours for ships and 54 hours for self-propelled navigation from the moment of entry into the territory of R. Serbia in the case of downstream navigation;
3) fleet staff of railway vehicles entering the border station zone established by interstate agreements;
4) crews and cabin crew of aircraft whose final destination is the Republic of Serbia or in transit through the international airports of the Republic of Serbia;
5) persons who have obtained consent for entry into the Republic of Serbia from the Government Working Body consisting of representatives of the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure;
6) humanitarian convoys under the obligatory escort agreed upon through diplomatic channels.
7) accredited members of staff of foreign diplomatic missions and consular posts and offices of organizations, as well as members of their families who hold special identification cards issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Government of the Republic of Serbia;
8) foreign nationals who have been granted residence or permanent residence in the Republic of Serbia.

Citizens of the Republic of Serbia coming from countries or areas with intensive transmission of COVID-19 disease, or outbreaks of the epidemic, namely: the Swiss Confederation, the Republic of Italy, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Romania, the Kingdom of Spain, the Federal Republic of Germany, the French Republic, the Republic of Austria, the Republic Slovenia and the Hellenic Republic are sent to isolation for 28 days, and to domestic residents from other countries a measure of placing them under medical supervision for 14 days (isolation at home) is determined.

We note that the implementation of these measures will be strictly controlled, and that any non-compliance will be most severely punished by the prescribed legal penalty.

Special attention is given to dual citizens that they can enter the Republic of Serbia only if they present their passport of the Republic of Serbia.

The decision came into force on 03/15/2020 and remains in force until further notice.


In accordance with the measures taken by the Goverment of the Republic of Serbia to prevent the spread and control of infectious disease COVID-19, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs recommends that citizens of the Republic of Serbia who reside abroad should postpone any travel to the Republic of Serbia that is not necessary, especially if they are planning to come from countries, ie areas with intensive transmission of COVID-19 disease.

Information about procedure at the border crossing when passengers entering to the Republic of Serbia:






Parliamentary local election in Serbia will take place on April 26th, 2020. Please find information below:

Parliamentary local election in Serbia (Cyrillic)

Parliamentary local election in Serbia (Latin)



On January 31, 2020, the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia announced:

1. Open call for co-financing projects for translation of representative works of   Serbian literature abroad in 2020;
2. Open call  for financing or co-financing projects in the field of cultural activities of Serbs abroad in 2020.

Contest texts and related application forms are available on the Ministry of Culture and Information website at www.kultura.gov.rs. The deadline for submission of applications is March 16th, 2020.

For additional information, please contact the Ministry of Culture and Information by email:  mladen.veskovic@kultura.gov.rs .



We would like to inform you that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia - Directorate for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the region (MSP - USDSR), has opened Competition for co-financing projects that will, by their quality, contribute to preserving and strengthening the ties between the homeland and the diaspora and the homeland and the Serbs in the region.

The competition will be open from January 20th to February 10th, 2020. For more information, please click here.


The decisions on co-financing projects of Diaspora and Regional Serbs

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia has arrived at the Decisions on co-financing projects that contribute to the preservation and strengthening of the relations of Serbia and the Diaspora and Serbia and the Serbs in the Region on June 19th, 2019.

Decisions on co-financing projects can be downloaded at the following e-mail addresses:




OPEN CALL for the Co-Financing of Projects for the Translation of Representative Works of Serbian Literature into Foreign Languages in 2019

Department of Contemporary Artistic Production and Creative Industries

announces this

for the Co-Financing of Projects for the Translation of Representative Works of Serbian Literature into Foreign Languages in 2019

The scope of this Open Call is co-financing of projects for the translation of representative works of Serbian literature into foreign languages.

The overarching goal of this Open Call is the translation of representative works of Serbian literature into foreign languages.

Submissions in the following literary fields are eligible under this Open Call for the translation of representative works of Serbian literature into foreign languages: poetry, prose, drama, children’s literature (other than picture books and textbooks), anthologies and thematic selections and theoretical works in the fields of culture and arts intended for the wider readership.

Translations of classic works of Serbian literature and works acclaimed by the expert community will be given priority for support.

Announcement Translations 2019 - Form ENGL.doc



Public lecture at Ottawa University by Prof. Dalibor Sokolović from University of Belgrade

The Slavic Research Group of the University of Ottawa, the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures
University of Ottawa in co-operation with the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Ottawa, H. E. Ambassador Mihailo Papazoglu:

Public lecture " Two Centuries of Serbian Independance and Linguo-cultural Heritage"
by Prof. Dalibor Sokolović, Department of Philology
University of Belgrade

Poster (click for more details)



Dedication of the plaque commemorating the Centennial of the end of World War I

Dedication of the plaque commemorating the Centennial of the end of World War I, where Canada and Serbia fought as allies, by His Worship Jim Watson, Mayor of the City of Ottawa and His Excellency Mihailo Papazoglu, Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia,Thursday, July 26th 2018.

Serbian-Canadian economic relations

BELGRADE, Sept. 2 (Beta) - Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic on Sept. 1 described Serbian-Canadian relations as excellent to Canadian former Minister of  Forin Affairs John Baird, but said economic cooperation was in need of much improvement as Serbia had many opportunities to offer to Canadian investors.

Baird also voiced a desire to bolster the two countries' bilateral ties, especially economic, stating that Serbia offered huge potential to Canadian investors, particularly in the fields of mining and pharmaceutical production, Nikolic's office announced.

Nikolic said Serbia had taken a principled stand on the Ukrainian crisis and that there would be no sanctions against Russia, but noted that Belgrade respected the territorial integrity of Ukraine. On the topic of Ukraine, Baird stressed that it was his country's firm position that it was unacceptable for one man to wage wars in Europe in the 21st century. He also stated that Canada was looking forward to Serbia's chairing of the OSCE in 2015 and was certain that it would be a success.


BELGRADE, Sept. 2 (Beta) - Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic and Canadian former Minister of Foreign Affairs John Baird on Sept. 1 described bilateral ties as good, but added that it was necessary to further boost cooperation, primarily economic. Vucic underlined the importance of the agreement on strategic economic cooperation from 2012, which laid ground for several projects of Canadian companies in Serbia, particularly in the energy domain, read a statement from the government.  He added that the agreement on inciting and shielding investments, inked on Sept. 1, would contribute to the further promotion of bilateral economic cooperation and encourage new investments by Canadian firms, according to the statement. The prime minister also thanked Canada for its post-flood relief aid.

Baird said that the bilateral relations should be strengthened at the highest political and economic level. He added that Ottawa understood Serbia's foreign policy position regarding the EU and Russia, particularly in the context of the Ukrainian crisis. During his stay in Serbia, Baird toured the regions most affected by the May floods and announced a possible new relief aid contingent.


BELGRADE, Sept. 1 (B92) - Serbian Minister of Trade Rasim Ljajic and Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird an investment promotion and protection agreement between the two countries. The document was signed on Monday at the Serbian government headquarters in Belgrade, in the presence of Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic. Ljajic noted that the agreement constitutes a continuation of excellent economic cooperation between Serbia and Canada, and a step forward in completing the legal framework for improving economic, trade relations between the two countries.

The agreement sends a clear message to Canadian investors that Serbia adheres to international legal standards when it comes to investors' rights and is a safe investment destination. The minister noted that 50 Canadian companies are doing business in Serbia, 13 of which are engaged in geological exploration. “Canadian companies secured 80 percent out of a total of 126 licenses for various kinds of exploration that Serbia has issued. They have so far invested 125 million dollars in explorations, and we expect that the sum will go up in the coming period”, he said. Ljajic mentioned that, two years ago, Serbia and Canada signed an agreement on strategic economic cooperation which covers all fields of interest, primarily the energy, mining sectors, manufacturing industry, fields of infrastructure, agriculture and food production.


Information concerning the Agreement on Social Security between Canada and the Republic of Serbia, which entered into force on December 1, 2014.

(ENG): http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/services/pensions/international/countries/serbia.shtml 

(FRE):  http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/fra/services/pensions/internationales/pays/serbie.shtml

Application forms for Canadian benefits for persons living in Serbia

Application for Canadian Old Age, Retirement and Survivors Benefits
•         (ENG):  http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/cgi-bin/search/eforms/index.cgi?app=prfl&frm=isp5054srb&ln=eng
•         (FRE):  http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/cgi-bin/search/eforms/index.cgi?app=prfl&frm=isp5054srb&ln=fra
Application for CPP Disability Benefits
•         (ENG):  http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/cgi-bin/search/eforms/index.cgi?app=prfl&frm=isp5053srb&ln=eng
•         (FRE):  http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/cgi-bin/search/eforms/index.cgi?app=prfl&frm=isp5053srb&ln=fra
Application for CPP Child’s Benefits
•         (ENG):  http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/cgi-bin/search/eforms/index.cgi?app=prfl&frm=isp5055srb&ln=eng
•         (FRE):  http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/cgi-bin/search/eforms/index.cgi?app=prfl&frm=isp5055srb&ln=fra


Application forms for Serbian benefits

Application for Serbian Old Age Pension
•         (ENG):  http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/cgi-bin/search/eforms/index.cgi?app=prfl&frm=cansrb2&ln=eng 
•         (FRE):  http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/cgi-bin/search/eforms/index.cgi?app=prfl&frm=cansrb2&ln=fra
Application for Serbian Disability Pension
•         (ENG):  http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/cgi-bin/search/eforms/index.cgi?app=prfl&frm=cansrb3&ln=eng
•         (FRE):  http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/cgi-bin/search/eforms/index.cgi?app=prfl&frm=cansrb3&ln=fra  
Application for Serbian Survivor Pension
•         (ENG):  http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/cgi-bin/search/eforms/index.cgi?app=prfl&frm=cansrb4&ln=eng
•         (FRE):  http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/cgi-bin/search/eforms/index.cgi?app=prfl&frm=cansrb4&ln=fra


Document - Why Kosovo is ineligible for membership in UNESCO?

16. 10. 2015.

Why Kosovo is ineligible for membership in UNESCO?


Letter form Serbian Heritage Museum



BELGRADE, June 25  - Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said in Vienna on June 24 that he supported the OSCE's efforts to calm the crisis in Ukraine. Opening a three-day annual OSCE conference on security entitled "Current Security Challenges and the Role of the OSCE", Dacic said that Serbia's experience in the dialog between Belgrade and Pristina could be employed to help deal with different issues after it took the OSCE chair in 2015. Speaking about the Ukrainian crisis, Dacic reiterated that Serbia supported the sovereignty and territorial integrity of every member of the U.N. and that it strongly supported the OSCE's efforts to calm the crisis in Ukraine. Dacic will participate in a meeting gathering the foreign ministers of the OSCE "trio" in Vienna where he is scheduled to discuss the most important questions in the organization's sphere of operations with OSCE chairman Didier Burkhalter and his Ukrainian counterpart Pavlo Klimk.


Exit fest



Guca festival - 3th - 9th, August 2015


Ottawa: Statehood Day of the Republic of Serbia was solemnly celebrated
ICAO - 80 years since the Chicago convention was signed
Armistice Day in World War I
Day of Mourning in the Republic of Serbia
Minister Miščević is participating in a conference on the humane dimension of the Ukrainian peace formula
State Secretary Jović is visiting Canada
Ottawa: Statehood Day of the Republic of Serbia was solemnly celebrated
Competition for co-financing projects for the region and the diaspora in 2024
Book of Condolences
Statement by Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Nikola Selaković at the meeting of the UN Security Council on the report on the work of UNMIK
Selaković: Serbia is actively involved in combating terrorism, radicalism and extremism
Registration for voting at the RS Embassy on the occasion of the upcoming elections in the Republic of Serbia by March 12, 2022
Video of Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Serbia to mark Statehood Day 2022 - YouTube 2022 - YouTube
Belgrade to get Centre for Fourth Industrial Revolution
Article: Osmani's NATO bid shouldn't be taken seriously by H.E. Dejan Ralevic, Ambassador
UNESCO’s role extremely important for preservation of Serbian heritage in Kosovo and Metohija
Address of the President of the Republic of Serbia at the United Nations climate change conference COP26 held in Glasgow
Selaković in UNSC: Dialogue and the implementation of the agreements reached are the only right way to resolve all open issues
Virtual concert - marking the 80th anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between Belgrade and Ottawa (Serbia and Canada)
Prime Minister Brnabic at Global COVID-19 summit organised by White House
20.000.000 dinars were allocated for the establishment of new schools and classes of supplementary classes in the diaspora
September 15th - Celebrating the Day of Serbian unity, freedom and national flag
September 15th - Day of Serbian unity, Freedom and National flag
Campaign for the protection of property rights of Serbs in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Septemeber 9th, 2021.
Meeting with a special Canadian friends of Serbia
Interwiew of H.E. Dejan Ralevic, Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia in Canada for Hill Times "Why do Serbs mourn while Croats celebrate?"
Nikola Tesla Day in Ontario - Part 1
Marquant le Jour du Souvenir de tous les Serbes morts et expulsés dans l'Opération « Tempête ».
Marking the Remembrance Day of all Serbs who died and were expelled in the armed operation "Storm"
President Vučić: We have decided – our goal is the EU, but China is an important partner
Serbia has achieved great success in the field of digitalization
Tesla Tales Across Time - Nikola Tesla's 165th birthday
In honor of Nikola Tesla's 165th birthday, we present a video that highlights some of his accomplishments.
There are conditions for faster development of economic cooperation between Serbia, Canada
Address by the President of the Republic of Serbia at the session of the United Nations Security Council
MIP Selaković potpisao protokol o saradnji sa Ossi - Organizacija srpskih studenata u inostranstvu
A platform for digitized competition intended to co-finance projects
Ambassador's message on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition on 80 years of diplomatic relations between Belgrade and Ottawa
Marked 80 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Serbia and Canada
Serbia - Canada 80 years
80 years of diplomatic relations since its establishment until today in the Archives of Yugoslavia in Belgrade
Why invest in Serbia
Minister Selaković presented the new e-Consulate service
Why invest in Serbia, brochures of Development Agency of Serbia
Vaccination of Serbian citizens from the diaspora on May 15. in Belgrade
President Vučić met via video link with representatives of the IMF delegation
Meeting with the World Health Organization Regional Director for Europe
WHO describes immunization process in Serbia as impressive
Selakovic: Pristina persists in its campaign of hatred against the Serbian people
Selakovic: Political extremism of Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija is becoming stronger
Sign up for the first online puppet show - Supermouse
Project “Serbian Kolo”
Selaković: Priština persiste à faire sa campagne de haine contre le peuple serbe
Selaković: L’extrémisme politique des Albanais au Kosovo et Metohija de plus en plus fort
On-line application for visa D
Marking the Day of Remembrance of the victims of the NATO aggression - 24 March, 2021
Commémoration du Jour du Souvenir des victimes de l'agression de l'OTAN
22nd anniversary of the beginning of the NATO aggression against Yugoslavia 24.3.-10.6.1999
La République de Serbie au Mois de la Francophonie
Selakovic: Fight against all forms of crime is a priority of the Serbian Government
Promotion of the Republic of Serbia as a favorable destination for business and investment
Happy International Mother Language Day
Metropolitan Porfirije of Zagreb and Ljubljana elected as the new Patriarch of Serbia
President Vučić receives credentials of the newly appointed Ambassador of Canada
Video message of the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia on the occasion of the Statehood Day
Illumination of Niagara Falls in the colors of the Serbian tricolor - Serbian Statehood Day
Happy Statehood Day of the Republic of Serbia!
President Vucic: Serbia is ready for dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija, but will refuse being humiliated
Minister Selakovic speaks for Politika: The year of rejuvenation of Serbian diplomacy
The competition for co-financing a project in the field of translating representative works of Serbian literature abroad in 2021
President Vucic: Serbia is the first in Europe in terms of growth
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia wishes you a Happy New Year
Every Serb in the diaspora is potentially a lobbyist
Minister Selakovic: New ambassadors will be appointed this year, but the goals remain the same
President Vucic: Serbia to remain on the course of a winning policy of stability
The Prime Minister of Serbia is the first European Prime Minister to receive the anti-covid vaccine Belgrade, December 24, 2020
New anti-epidemic measures in force from 20 December
Online Toronto Serbian Film Festival December 17-27th, 2020
Tenth Media Conference of the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region on December 29, 2020. December 9, 2020
Book of Condolences
Serbian Patriarch Irinej reposed in the Lord
Remembrance Day - Laying of the wreath
SERBIA - Emerging tech development hub
Да не заборавимо! Lest we forget! Da ne zaboravimo!
DECISION on co-financing of projects for the Diaspora, July 8, 2020
The decisions on co-financing projects of Diaspora and Regional Serbs
OPEN CALL for the Co-Financing of Projects for the Translation of Representative Works of Serbian Literature into Foreign Languages in 2019
Public lecture at Ottawa University by Prof. Dalibor Sokolović from University of Belgrade
Dedication of the plaque commemorating the Centennial of the end of World War I
Serbian-Canadian economic relations
Information concerning the Agreement on Social Security between Canada and the Republic of Serbia, which entered into force on December 1, 2014.
Document - Why Kosovo is ineligible for membership in UNESCO?
Letter form Serbian Heritage Museum
Exit fest
Guca festival - 3th - 9th, August 2015
News - Archive