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Abolished the need for legalization of documents for use in the Republic of Serbia |
Starting from January 11, 2024, the Hague Convention on the abolition of the need for legalization of foreign public documents began to be applied in Canada.
Legalization meant that a document issued or notarized in Canada must first be certified by Global Affairs of Canada, and then certified by the Embassy in Ottawa, in order to be recognized for use in the Republic of Serbia.
With the entry into force of the Hague Convention, it is no longer necessary to notarize a document at the Embassy in Ottawa, but it is sufficient for a document issued in Canada or certified by a Canadian notary, to be certified with an APOSTILLE.
You can find more information on how to certify documents here. |
Ottawa: Statehood Day of the Republic of Serbia was solemnly celebrated |
The Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Ottawa organized a diplomatic reception at the elegant Rideau Club to celebrate Serbian Statehood Day.
Despite the very challenging weather conditions that day (a blizzard), the response from the guests was excellent. Numerous ambassadors, diplomats, representatives of Canadian business and politics, and members of the Serbian community from Ottawa, Toronto, Hamilton, Kitchener and Montreal enhanced our celebration, traditional drinks, food and music. The choir of the Serbian Orthodox Church “St. Stephen” from Ottawa sang the Serbian and Canadian anthems.
After the video message of MFA M. Đurić, Ambassador D. Ralević spoke about the significance of February 15 for Serbian history and statehood, as well as relations between Serbia and Canada, and R. Sinclair, Director General of the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, addressed the audience, recalling the ties between Serbia and Canada, future cooperation and common expectations, and conveyed congratulations on behalf of the Canadian government.
ICAO - 80 years since the Chicago convention was signed |
#Chicago: Amazing celebration of 80 years since #chicagoconvention was signed and enabled the creation of @icao as the powerful international organization in the #civilaviation. @AmbDejanRalevic as 🇷🇸permanent representative attended the celebration #dgca (1/2)
#Chicago: Célébration étonnante des 80 ans de la signature de la #conventiondechicago et de la création de @oaci en tant que puissante organisation internationale de #aviationcivile . @AmbDejanRalevic en tant que représentant permanent 🇷🇸 a assisté à la célébration #dgca (2/2)
